My eyes narrow, as do Grey's. Christopher is a slimy piece of work, but I've never known him to step outside of hisprofessionaldemeanor when it comes to the patients here.
"And what did he have to say for himself?" I ask, curious.
Rian laughs under his breath. "He asked me to pass a message onto you actually."
Grey stiffens next to Rian, hand twitching into a fist. "Did he now?"
I raise my hand to silence him, amused. "And what was the message, Thatcher?"
"He saidnice try.And something about being one step behind."
Anger rushes through my veins but I don't show it. I should have known that Christopher would try to send a message somehow. He knew that we would approach Rian, so my only question now is what has he said?
"So, you're well acquainted with the resident psychiatrist now," I laugh. "I'm sure he's told you some interesting stories."
Rian nods. "He has actually," he quips back. "But I'm not going to relay them to you."
Grey's eyes flash and I step forward, intervening before he does something harsh like slit Thatcher's throat open.
"Well, I'm only going to say this once," I start, towering over Rian. "You'll quickly learn that it's not what it seems here. I would beverycareful and considerate of the sides you take. Perhaps it would do you some good to make your own inquiries before listening to a quack."
He steps back slightly, uncertainty crossing his face. "I'm not afraid of you. You can keep your high-school hierarchy bullshit to yourself."
I smile. "Make those inquiries. Or else you'll likely find yourself somewhere you don't want to be." I shoo with my hand, signaling for him to fuck off. Rian gives us both a quick look before briskly leaving the library.
"That fucking bastard," Grey snaps. "Let me go there right now and rip open his carotid artery."
"Avery's in session with him," I point out.
Grey snorts. "I'll fuck her in his blood. That doesn't worry me."
"Try to contain yourself a little longer," I tell him. "Thatcher will quickly learn. I'll send Leighton to have a chat with him. In the meantime, Jillian should have an update for us this evening."
"Do you want me to call a meeting?" Grey asks, pacing slowly across the library.
I nod. "And get someone to clean this library. It's putrid and God knows what's on the floor."
Grey laughs, lifting an eyebrow. "I know of a few things," he says suggestively.
I curl my lips in disgust. "Definitely get them to scrub the aisles before the next meeting. In the meantime, I have to go attend to something. I'll catch up with you later."
He waves me off as we exit the library, and I wait until he's out of sight before I head down the corridor. I spot a guard lingeringoutside of Dr. Smith's office and when I give him a nod, he turns and walks in the other direction.
The sound of muffled voices inside are indistinguishable. I count to three before I kick the door hard open with the bottom of my foot. It bounces off the wall, wood splintering as Christopher and Avery look up surprised from the floor.
I step inside, raising an eyebrow at the chessboard on the ground. "Games, really? Is that what they are paying you for?" I taunt, not waiting for his reply. "Avery, come with me."
To my surprise, she stands immediately, heading to the door. I guess giving her a little dick reward has gone a long way toward her compliance.
After she steps into the hallway, I turn to a glowering Christopher who is now on his feet. He looks almost offended that she would willingly come with me, and I resist the urge to laugh.
"I got your message," I tell him cheerfully. "And you can shove it right up your bleached asshole."
Chapter 19
Mr. Whittingham has this ridiculous talent to look completely together no matter what time of day or night it is. The sun has barely cracked over the horizon, my hair resembling a bird's nest, while he sips on coffee in a freshly steamed suit.