Page 52 of Echoes

That's actually a surprise. I know Arthur has a mean streak, but I wouldn't have thought it would go that far. Bastard is really ramping up his game.

"I doubt she'll do it," I tell him carefully, knowing it's a sensitive subject for him. "Would you like me to pay him a visit?"

A smirk tugs on the corner of his lips. "I think I'll do it actually. It's on my list tomorrow, as well as locating Ashwood."

I roll my eyes, turning back to the file. "Just don't draw attention. I don't have the patience to clean up two dead bodies."

Grey laughs. "I'm sure it will be fine. Now, are you going to go into some more detail about this…blessing?"

"You already know the answer to it. I need you to stay focused, and this is the best way for that to happen. Also, I've been thinking about what you said initially. Perhaps you were correct in how we can mold Avery."

"I see…" he says, pausing. "You want to use her against Arthur."

Closing the file, I swing back around, throwing it onto the bed next to him. "Yes. He wants to use her to get to us. So, we will use her to stop that. But if she becomes a liability again, there's no second chances. You need to sort this mess out."

"You're referring to Ashwood," he points out with a snarl at his name. "I'm working on it."

"Good," I say firmly, nodding to the file. "New patient details. Rian Thatcher. Interesting history, transferred from the county jail."

Grey picks up the file, flicking it open. "Thoughts?"

"Lilydale obviously picked him for a reason. I'm hoping to gain more insight into that once I'm able to get to him."

"Do you want me to distract Christopher for you?" Grey asks, reading the information.

I lean back in the chair, crossing my arms. "I believe Avery has an appointment tomorrow. That will give us a free window. Thatcher's schedule is in there. Locate him and bring him to me."

"Done," he says casually, still scanning the file. "Have you given any further thought as to what you want to do with Capello?"

"We need to question her. Markel's notes only detailed what we already assumed. I'll get Jillian to do it. Perhaps she'll be more willing to talk if it's another female."

Grey closes the file. "I need to find the asshole who framed Avery. You promised me a venting system—that's the way to do it."

I snort, giving him an amused look. "You didn't just vent before?" I ask, glancing over the bed. "Was it not enough blood for you?"

I'm teasing him, and he knows it. But his eyes darken, confirming the fact that he needs to reallyhurtsomeone.

"I'm serious, Deadman."

"I know," I murmur, strumming my fingers on my arm. "I'll sort it out."

The next morning, I tell Grey I'll be waiting in the library. He runs off happily on the hunt for the infamous Rian. I've already confirmed with the guards that Avery has been escorted to Arthur's office this morning, and as soon as her psychiatrist session starts with Christopher, we make our move.

It doesn't take long until Grey returns with a brunette in tow. He looks confused, but not at all worried.

Standing at the far end of the library, I wait until they reach me, not bothering with pleasantries.

"Hello, Rian. We haven't met yet but if you haven't heard of me, you will soon."

He glances at me with pale brown eyes, face as dead as I am inside. "Rightio. I assume this is some lecture about politics or some shit."

"You could say that," I murmur low. "You'll be answering to us. I have no doubt Whittingham has given you some poor excuse for a lecture at hisorientation."

"I'm going to wager that you're Damon," Rian answers in a bored tone. "Yeah, I've been told about you."

Leaning back against the desk, I tap my fingers on the wooden edge. "By Whittingham?"

A smile appears on his face, his eyes focusing on me. "By Dr. Smith, actually."