“Job number one is at Le Blanche Global. Asher is looking for a PR assistant and a full-time publicist.”
My shoulders sink and I breathe out a tension-riddled sigh. “A job with Asher, Beth? He'd never give me a job at his precious company.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do.” The truce between Asher and me seems to be working so far but it’s early days. “I’m still lying to him. As long as those lies exist all hell will break loose between us if he finds out.”
“He might not need to. Just hear me out. You learned a lot from Nick and helped him with stuff for his big music bands. This wouldn’t be that much different.”
“I learned some stuff from Nick but my PR skills are well below what someone like Asher would need.”
“Remember how you helped me with marketing and brand ideas when I started the salon?” Beth sounds enthusiastic.
“Yeah, but that's a small business. Le Blanche Global is a multi-international whatever company. I can't do anything there.”
“Maybe Asher might give you a chance. At least for the assistant position. Assistants always pick up things on the job. More importantly, the pay is insanely good for an assistant’s post and the listing said there was room for flexibility.”
“That doesn't sound too bad. How much is the pay?”
“Five grand a month because you might have to work out of town at a whim's notice.”
I gape at her in shock. “Fivegrand a month? Are you serious?”
Beth nods thoughtfully. “See, that's why I think you should at least ask him. It couldn't hurt to ask, right?”
“No, it couldn't. A job like that would be really good for me. It also sounds like a job where I wouldn't need to think too much.”
“It would be exactly like that.”
I've been worried about getting a job where I'd have to be more involved than I’d like. Jobs like that can overpower your studies.
I could handle PR. When I did it before it came second nature to me because I know how to talk to people.
“I'm going to ask him about it.”
“I'm so glad you’ll ask. I think it’s a great idea. You also get paid weekly, and you get a travel and food allowance.”
“That's even better.”
“I thought so, too, but the downside is it won't pay the debt, will it?”
The little bubble of hope inside me sinks and I'm reminded of how much I owe Vito. “No, it won't pay the debt. I'm scared, Beth. We're running into week two and I’m not sure what more I can do.”
“Well, maybe I may have the answer for that.”
My interest piques once more. “What is it?”
“Please don’t be mad at me.”
“Starting a sentence like that doesn’t exactly sound good, Beth.”
“I know but I have my reasons and I don’t want you to get mad at me. A friend of mine can get you a job at the Dark Odyssey. You know it's a?—”
“Sex club.” All the blood drains from my body as I stare back at her.
“I don’t want you to think I’m insulting you by even bringing it up, so before you turn me down and end our lifetime friendship, continue listening.”
“I would never end our friendship over something like that.”