Page 48 of Ruthless Heir

The world around us seems to fade, leaving only the sound of his voice lingering in the air. It wraps around me like a soft,invisible embrace and soothes me, breaking down the walls I’ve constructed between us.

“Does that answer work for you?” He cocks his head and continues looking at me with the same potent stare.

“It works.”

“So, you’ll stay?”

“Okay. I’ll stay.”

He smiles on hearing my confirmation. “Good. Is there anything else you want to talk about? Anything else worrying you?”

Yes, Asher. I owe a loan shark a hundred thousand dollars and I think he might kill me if I don’t pay up. “No… There’s nothing more.”

Chapter Ten


Beth sits across from me on the park bench and places the bag of sandwiches between us.

Today is Thursday. We decided to come to Central Park for a change of scenery.

Beth wanted to meet up to talk about my job prospects. I chose the park because it’s less stifling.

Things have been better between Asher and I since we agreed to a truce at the diner, but my anxiety is through the roof. I’m no further along in my plans than I was last week.

I also already know this is not going to be a good meeting. The moment Beth ordered extra-large cups of hot chocolate for us with triple shots of hazelnut syrup I knew a difficult discussion lay ahead.

Either she came up with nothing and wants to brainstorm potential jobs. Or she’s come up with something and it’s not going to be something I’m going to like.

Regardless I appreciate the time she’s taken to help me. She didn’t need to do any of it.

“Go on, tell me,” I say. “Whatever it is can't be worse than the twenty job rejections I've received over the last few days. They have been pouring in like the rain.”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.” She winces.

“It’s okay. It is what it is.”

Beth sighs and takes a sip of her hot chocolate before she sets the cup down between us and shuffles to face me. “I have good news and bad news depending on how you look at it.”

Oh God. The last time Beth said something like that to me she wanted me to go on a blind date. I ended up being stuck with a guy who sold cockroaches for a living. I’d never even heard of that before. Usually people try to get rid of things like that, not supply them.

“Can I have the good news first?” I tame my hair as a gust of wind lifts the ends about my face.

“Sure.” She nods. “The good news is I found you two jobs.”

My eyes widen. “But that's great news. What could be the bad news?”

“Wait until you hear it.” The shadow of worry washes over her face. “But first I want you to consider doing both if that’s an option.”


“Yes. I'm extremely worried about you, Harper.”

She knows Vito messaged me the other day. “I know you are.”

“Seriously, it feels like your situation is getting worse.”

“Because it is,” I reply. “The clock is ticking and I have nothing. Tell me what the jobs are.”