He hands me the slip of paper and I read the address. “Wildwood, Colorado?” I glance up at him.
“Yep. She’s apparently the assistant to the mayor of Wildwood.”
I nod my head. That fits. I think my girl could do anything so running a small town with a mayor sounds perfect for her. I think she fucking organized that trip specifically to lose her v-card and I’m assuming she did a lot of planning with that.
I look up at him. “Thank you. I’m gonna call Audrey and get the ball rolling. I appreciate this.”
“Don’t worry. Just don’t make me regret this.”
I won’t. Thanks, man.”
He shakes his dark head and stands up. “I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing cause you seem like you’re barely hanging on. Don’t let this one woman twist you up so bad that you can’t take it if she’s not interested.”
“She is interested. I don’t know why she did this. But I’m gonna find out and then I’m gonna take her home with me and make sure that she knows how much I need her.
Five months without my angel has been torture and I’m done. I intend to make sure that she knows…we’re it for each other. There is no going back.
Fate brought us together and you can’t fight fate. No matter how hard you try.
Irub my back and wrinkle my nose.Dammit!My whole body aches. And I’m only four and a half months or so. I never realized how much being pregnant sucks.
Especially since my boss, Rebel, is pregnant also. I don’t think I can stand seeing Tony rubbing her back and feeding her crackers anymore.
I’m alone. By choice. But it still hurts. I didn’t find out until I was almost two months along that I was pregnant. In the beginning, I really thought that my stomach was upset all the time because I missed Cord. I didn’t think I could but I fucking have. I miss him every damn second of the day. I miss him when I’m alone in my cabin at night. My hand reaches out in my sleep and I feel like I can almost touch his warm skin. Can almost feel his arms wrapping around me and tugging me close.
But he’s not here. And I wake up, my eyes welling with tears. I’m an emotional wreck and I’m laying it all at his door. He put some damn love spell on me and I can’t seem to forget him no matter how much I try.
“Oh, Dixie! I know how much you love those stupid horror stories. There’s some famous author who’s going to be doing a book signing at the Page Turner tonight. I meant to tell youabout this last week but ….” She bites her lip and her cheeks flush bright pink and Tony smirks.
“Oh god! You two need to stop it! You’re making me physically sick.” I groan and rub my belly while it churns around like a damn washing machine.
“Oh, is the nausea hitting you again, Dixie?” The sympathy in Rebel’s face appeases some sick side of me. The damn woman only had morning sickness for two months and then she’s been fine. She’s eating like a horse and she hasn’t had any issues at all. Which is why it’s weird that Tony still feeds her crackers but the woman loves them and she loves his attention.
My heart bottoms out and I feel the tears pushing at my eyes again. I miss Cord. And why the hell do I miss a man that I met and saw for one damn night.
But there was something there that terrified me. He was so insistent that we were meant to be forever. That we were fated or something and I just don’t believe that there’s love out there for me.
I’ve spent my whole life alone. Sloan and I were abandoned by our single mom when I was eight and she was five. We sat in the messy, cold apartment where the heat was shut off months ago for days before one of the neighbors finally noticed that we hadn’t gone to school.
And then children’s services came to get us and we entered the foster system for two years before we were adopted by a family with five boys who longed for a girl. When they heard about us they demanded to adopt both of us.
The Kensington’s were wonderful people and Sloan and I didn’t know what to think about our luck for a long time after that. I mean, they spent time with us. Bought us clothes, fed us and played games with us. We had five crazy big brothers who doted on us. Even now my older brother, Troy has been bugging the hell out of me to come visit and I’ve been putting him offbecause if he finds out that I’m pregnant I’m never gonna hear the end of it and he’s gonna pester me until he finds out who the daddy is. Or he’s gonna do his computer voodoo and find out somehow.
All of my big brothers have gone into law enforcement or security of some sort and it’s damn hard to keep anything from them.
But I need time. I still can’t quite believe it myself. I’m having a baby. I never thought I’d be a mother and truthfully, it terrifies me. What if I’m awful at it? Like my mother. Our father was never even in the picture. He was just some blip who fell in and out of her life until he managed to get her knocked up twice and disappeared for good.
But if we all take after our mothers, what then? Mine was an embarrassment to the name mother.
I don’t want to be that to my child. I don’t know yet whether it’s a boy or a girl although I have the strangest feeling that it’s a daughter. A girl that I hope doesn’t carry on my family’s legacy.
I shake myself out of my thoughts and grimace at Rebel. “I do feel kind of queasy today. Like there’s just something building in the air.”
“Maybe you’re getting a migraine, honey. Storms and stuff cause migraines. The air pressure changes do it.”