I nod my head and sigh, dropping my forehead into my palm. “I know. But I don’t think that’s it. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Dreams. Always the dreams of Cord and our one night of pleasure. Iachefor him.
“Why don’t you go home and get some rest? I’ll be leaving soon anyway. There aren’t any appointments this afternoon. And I’m gonna go to that book signing and author talk tonight. I can meet you there if you want to? It would do you good to get out of the house. It seems like you’ve been cooped up in there since you got back from your vacation.”
I nod my head. “Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe if I feel better later.” I stand up and hesitate. “Are you sure about this?”
She waves her slender hand in the air. “Go home. Get some rest. If you’re not careful your brothers are all gonna end up here and driving you crazy about not taking care of yourself.”
I chuckle but it’s a tight, uneasy sound. I definitely don’t need the guys showing up here and finding out why I’ve been so hard to get ahold of lately.
I have a feeling they’d pile into the pick-up trucks and head out looking for Cord with a preacher and a shotgun.
“I’ll see you later, Dixie. Get some rest. Sweet dreams.”
I nod at her and walk out, my steps slow and tired. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep for months. I feel so terrible about not telling Cord about the baby but truthfully, I can’t remember his last name. It was on the form but I deleted all that stuff after I took off so that he couldn’t find me.
Good thinking, right?
I slip into my old car and lean forward, putting my head on the steering wheel. My head hurts, my heart feels like it’s bruised and battered and all of me just wants Cord.
I love him. How ironic is that? I ran away from a man that I finally figured out that I love.
I am an idiot. But I will figure things out and I will not be a mother like my own. I smile when I think of Mama Kensington’s joy when she finds out about the baby. She’s been bugging all of us for grandkids. She’s gonna be over the moon.
I start my car and head home, forcing myself to focus on the narrow, winding road up Wildwood Mountain.
And when I pull up at my sweet little cabin with the porch swing and the flowers by the steps, I break down and put my head down to cry. Because I know that it’s perfect and perfectly lonely.
It’s all on me and it all will be.
I cradle my slight baby bump and purse my lips. “I promise you, baby. We’re gonna be just fine. You and I are gonna be a team.” My heart fills with love and I smile when I feel a tiny flutter.
Could it be a kick? I don’t know. But it tells me that from this point on…I’m not alone. I’ll never be alone. No matter if I never see Cord again, I have a tiny life that depends on me.
“I love you, baby. I will always love you. I can’t wait to meet you.”
I walk into my cabin and lie down in bed, for once the ugly churning in my belly is silent and I feel calm and peaceful.
It’s gonna be alright. I can do this. I have the best reason to do this.
I’m gonna be a mama.
Ipeek out of the back staff door of the bookstore, looking for gleaming copper- brown curls. She’s from Wildwood. She must be here.
I know she likes to read. Know she loves to read my books. I almost told her who I was when we were lying there in bed and she was talking about her favorite series. My books.
But I wanted to get to know her a little more before I let my whole truth out.
I should have gone with my heart instead of my head but I hate how women get when they find out that I have money. I don’t think that Dixie is that kind of woman but I’ve been wrong before.
I listen to the low-level, excited hum of voices in the other room, listening intently and hoping to hear her sweet voice. I couldn’t possibly pick her smell out of the air but I almost feel it, scent her.
She’s here. And she’s about to be mine.
Audrey pops up behind me and almost gives me a heart attack. “Dammit, woman! I need to put a bell on you.”