Page 22 of Tempting Teacher

I hold back the huff of disdain I want to expel. Would the fact that we had sex less than a month ago, and being in the same room with him makes me want to do it all over again count?

“No, no, it’s nothing like that.” More lies. “It’s a conflict with another course I was hoping to take, but it’s okay.” I concede, dread pooling in my belly like a muddy bog as I realize I have no choice but to face him twice a week. “I’ll survive.” I hope.

It’s Friday, and I make an effort to be early to class, already seated at the table I had claimed earlier that week. I am determined to not let being in the same space as Professor Walker affect me in any way. We won’t discuss the fact that I changed my outfit exactly seven times this morning, couldn’t decide if I should wear my hair up or down, and didn’t sleep a wink last night. It’s still really warm in the city, so I ended up in denim cut-offs and a plain white t-shirt. I was trying to give off an I don’t care about you in the least vibe. Not sure if I was carrying it off or not.

“I thought that was you.” I bring my gaze up to the voice coming from beside me.

“Lily?” I confirm, having only met her once over the summer at my aunt and uncle’s party in the Hamptons.

“Yep.” She nods, continuing. “I was almost certain it was you sitting here on the first day of class, but you left to go speak to the professor before I could say hi.” I can’t help but notice the curiosity in her tone, but before I can answer, Blake’s warm voice startles me.

“You’re here.”

“I am.” I shrug. “Couldn’t switch out. Guess you’re stuck with me.”

“No complaints on that front.” One side of his mouth cocks up as he slides onto the stool next to me. “You’re about the only thing that was going to make this course bearable.”

I feel my cheeks heat and shift my attention to Lily and introduce them.

“Don’t we have Psych together?” Lily squints, assessing Blake as they shake hands.

“That’s why you look familiar.” Blake nods in confirmation.

“Where are you sitting?” I ask, sorry I didn’t see her on the first day of class so I could have sat with her, but also not sorry, because Blake isn’t such a bad partner to have.

“I’m a couple tables back.” She points. “And can you believe who our professor is?” She flashes me a conspiratorial grin, continuing, lowering her voice. “I mean, who would have thought? I wonder if anyone else knows what he’s been doing in his off time?”

My gaze darts to Blake, whose brow furrows, my eyes widening as they bounce back to Lily with a slight shake of my head. I know there’s no way she could have any knowledge of what happened between Xander and I over the summer, but I also don’t feel it’s right for us to discuss his personal life so openly.

“Definitely something to talk about later?” I half-whisper, hoping she gets my drift.

“Definitely.” She smiles demurely. “I should go sit before class starts, but let’s get lunch or a coffee sometime, yeah?”

“I’d love that.” I smile, happy to be making some friends on campus.

She gives a small wave before walking away. “Nice to officially meet you, Blake.”

He gives her a head nod, then turns to me. “Your hair looks cute up like that.” He blurts out of left field, fumbling with a pencil. “So, um, since you’re here, I was won-“

“Good morning, class.” Blake is effectively cut off as Xander, Professor Walker, strolls into the room, tossing a leather bag onto the desk as he continues to the podium. “Who’s ready for some fun?”

Half the girls in the room giggle in response, but my face remains a mask of steel as I return the stare he has focused on me. What in the actual hell? Didn’t he just lecture me on being professional three days ago? He thinks he can toss out a seemingly casual remark like that, which I know is laced with innuendo? I should be used to these games of his. The hot and cold vibes he can’t seem to gather under his self-control. Unbelievable.

He flashes the tiniest of smirks, then shifts his focus to scan the rest of the room, launching into a lecture about how physics impact our everyday lives. I’m only half listening, my mind wrestling with how to handle Xander’s frustrating behavior. Blake taps me on the arm and I frown, turning to face him.

“The professor asked you a question.” He hisses under his breath.

I swing my head to the front of the room. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”

His eyes are laser focused on mine; his mouth set in a firm line as he steps out from behind the podium to walk closer to me. “No, I’m sorry. Are we boring you, Ms. Knight?”

A tingle sweeps up the back of my neck, every hair rising when he stops directly in front of me, dread pooling in my belly as I gape at him.

“Cat got your tongue?” His gaze flicks down to my mouth for just an instant before darting back to my eyes. “Perhaps you think you’re still on summer break in that outfit.” His lips purse as he openly scans me from head to toe.

Guess I chose the right outfit. The devil on my shoulder stomps with glee. Somehow, I find my voice and stutter out a response. “No, no. I’m sorry.”

Before I can say more, he cuts me off. “Stop saying you’re sorry.” He shoots me a piercing glare. “The question was, which form of energy do you think is more powerful; potential or kinetic?”