Page 23 of Tempting Teacher

“Well, I, ah, think it would depend upon specific scenario’s, sir.” My fingers fidget with the corner of my laptop as I wait to see if he’s going to interrupt me again. He arches a brow with a tilt of his head, so I continue. “Kinetic energy is due to an object having motion. But what that motion is can determine how much or what kind of energy. A rollercoaster that is climbing up, instead of down will obviously have much more energy at the bottom of its path. Whereas, potential energy is based upon position, state or arrangement changes. When changed the amount of energy stored is released, which in some cases are the results of kinetic energy.”

I stop here, looking to him for a reaction. He continues to stare at me for what feels like forever, my heart dancing a tango as I attempt to maintain a calm façade. The corners of his eyes crinkle as he assesses me, before finally, finally, turning on his heel to stride back to the podium.

“Very good, Ms. Knight.” He spins around, his gaze on me for only an instant, before he addresses the class again. “Anyone want to argue that point?” Hands raise around the room, and the focus is finally off of me.

“Holy shit.” Blake whispers, leaning closer to me. “Good recovery, Summer.”

“You think?” I mumble back, shaking my head in disbelief that anything about that interaction could be construed as good. Thankfully, the rest of the class is uneventful, at least in terms of me being put on the spot. I don’t waste a single second when class is dismissed, scooping my laptop into my bag before practically sprinting out of the room, not leaving an opportunity for Xander to make contact with me in any way.

“Summer.” I hear my name being called as I exit through the door, but don’t stop, fearing the worst, and not wanting to confront it. Him. The man who still haunts me nightly in my dreams, and now my days.

“Hey.” A hand clamps around my bicep as I slip out the building doors into the freedom of fresh air and space. I whirl around, expecting to come face to face with Xander, my features softening when instead my gaze lands on Blake.

“Oh, it’s you.” I breathe out, unable to mask the relief I feel.

“Who else would it be?” I’m met with a frown. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes.” The corners of my mouth tug up to form what I hope is a convincing smile. “Just have some things on my mind.”

He realizes he’s still holding my arm, and releases it, nodding his head, I think to placate my response. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.” I confirm, forcing a wider grin. “What’s up? Did you need something?” Other students brush by us as they exit the building, so I motion for him to move over to the lawn area, out of the way of traffic.

“Uh, yeah, so I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night?” His cheeks turn the slightest shade of pink. “If maybe you wanted to get a drink, or maybe some dinner?”

“Are you asking me on a date?” I clarify, because honestly, I’m not very experienced in this area.

He chuckles, running a hand over his mouth, then replies sheepishly. “Whatever makes you more comfortable. If not a date, then it’s just us hanging out on a Saturday night.”

My eyes widen as I’m unable to hide my surprise. “Well, I’m supposed to meet my cousin, Serena, for dinner tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay.” His foot scuffing the grass, his head tilting down as I notice his disappointment.

“But, um, maybe we could meet you somewhere after for a drink? Our reservation is at seven, so it will still be fairly early when we finish up.” I offer in an attempt of consolation.

His eyes light up as they meet mine. “That sounds like a great idea.”

“Okay.” I nod, smiling. “Let me see what’s in the area around the restaurant and I’ll text you an address. Probably be around nine?”

“Perfect.” His grin growing even wider. We exchange cell numbers, and then Blake hurries off, explaining he’s got another class to get to.

I watch him walk away, then shove my phone in my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, my attention shifting to a lone figure standing just outside the doors of the building. He’s as still as a statue, his face an unreadable mask of stone, his eyes focused entirely on me. I glower back, my physical being frozen in place, my mind racing with a million thoughts. I wait a full minute and then take a step in his direction, his response an immediate shake of his head before he swivels to storm back into the building.

What in the actual hell?

Chapter Twelve


That girl will absolutely be the death of me. I’m the one that lectured her on keeping things professional, yet I can’t seem to keep my wits whenever she’s about. It’s her goddamn beauty, her innocence, the way she carries herself with such grace. All without even realizing it, which only makes her more enticing. She’s a burning flame and I’m the moth, sparked on by a desire I can’t seem to extinguish.

I had hoped she would drop my class, but it seems that isn’t going to be the case. It was easy enough to let her go a month ago when I thought I wouldn’t see her again. Wouldn’t have to stop the dirty thoughts racing through my brain every time I looked at her sensual, full lips and remember what they felt like against mine. How her sweet breath and warm tongue mingled with mine. How hot her mouth was as she wrapped those same lips around my cock.

“Fuck me.” I mutter, my hand moving to adjust that same appendage, twitching under the zipper of my pants. Thank God no one has entered the classroom yet. I made it a point to get here early for once. Even though every cell of my being knows it’s wrong, I want to see her walk into the class. I want to be able to have thirty seconds of just watching her. Thirty seconds to see her reaction to me. Thirty seconds to see if and how she looks at me. That thirty seconds will tell me everything I need to know about whether or not she is as obsessed with me as I am of her.

I get my wish, not five minutes later, when she strolls into the room, her face lit up with a bright smile, her attention completely focused on the man walking next to her. Blake Davenport. I should have known this was a possibility from the moment I saw them interacting the first day of class. A fucking Davenport though.

I suppose he was well matched for her financially, but that family is known for being more than a little ruthless with their wealth. She’s entirely oblivious to my presence, a soft giggle escaping that luscious mouth as they both take their seats. It occurs to me that perhaps I don’t have the impact or effect on her I thought I did. Which also startles me into realizing she is the one affecting me. Well, that thirty seconds didn’t quite work out the way I thought.