Justin gave me a smug grin. “Good. Then you’ll finally have the help you need. So, see? There’s no reason you can’t get out of here a little early.”
“Who’s the boss here?” I teased.
He cocked his head at me. “Technically, it’s you, but I’m your office manager and I’m going to manage to get you out of here early even if it kills me, and since I’m too pretty to die, why don’t you do us both a favor and get out of here.”
I snorted a laugh. “Did you just come up with that?”
“I did. Aren’t I brilliant?” he retorted, shooting me a dazzling smile.
I rolled my eyes as we reached my office doorway. “I refuse to answer that question. However, I will take you up on the offer to get out of here early if you’re sure you don’t mind closing up.”
“Of course not. Now, go have fun. You’ve earned it.”
I grabbed my keys off my desk and with a wave, headed out the door. I slid into the driver’s seat of my BMW and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I tapped on the group chat I shared with my three best friends and typed out a quick message:Hey guys, finished work early for once. Anyone up for dinner at Julio’s tonight?
I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for responses. My phone buzzed almost immediately.
Jasper:Hell yeah! Maks and I are in.
I grinned, picturing Jasper’s excited face. Another buzz followed shortly after.
Akio:Morgan and I can make it. He’s been craving their famous lobster mac and cheese all week.
My smile widened. It would be great to catch up with everyone. As I was about to reply, one more message popped up.
Garrett:Wish we could join, but Dean and I are still in LA. His movie premiere is tomorrow night.
His words sent a pang of longing through my chest. Garrett had met Dean—known to the rest of the world as Vincent Wilder, an action movie star and Hollywood heartthrob—when they were both vacationing in Hawaii. The two of them had fallen hard and fast for each other, quickly becoming inseparable. They had a condo in Chicago and visited as much as possible, but Dean’s job required him to be in LA or on location most of the time. While Akio, Jasper, and I understood and were happy for Garrett, we missed him like crazy.
Garrett:Thankfully, that means the promo tour is almost over, and things should start winding down soon. He’ll have a few weeks off before he starts his next project, so we’ll be heading to Chicago. I can’t wait to see you guys and catch up.
A grin split my face, and my thumbs flew over my phone screen as I typed out,It’s about time you get your ass home. ;)
Akio:Yeeeesss! I can’t wait!!!
Jasper:That’s fantastic! It’ll be great to have the whole gang together.
Garrett texted three heart emojis and promised to let us know when they planned on arriving before saying he had to run. Akio, Jasper, and I finalized our dinner plans and then I tossed my phone onto the leather passenger seat.
My cheeks hurt from grinning so much. The four of us had become best friends when we met during our freshman year of college, but throughout the years, we’d become so much more than that. The three of them were my family, the brothers I would have chosen if the choice had been up to me. I would do anything for them, and I know they felt the same way about me.
Adrenaline ran through my veins as I started my car. The engine purred but it was soon drowned out as I brought up my favorite music playlist and cranked the volume. With thewindows down and the breeze tousling my hair, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home to get ready.
Painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink, the sun was just beginning to set as I drove up to Julio’s. I’d showered and changed, dressing casually in a white button-down with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of jeans that sat low on my hips. As I approached the entrance, I could hear lively chatter and laughter spilling out from inside. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, I was immediately enveloped by the warmth and energy of the bustling restaurant. The rich scent of sizzling steak and freshly baked rolls made my mouth water instantly.
My eyes scanned the room, searching for my friends. I spotted them sitting in a large booth near the back and began winding my way over to them. Akio was laughing at something Morgan had just said, but he jumped up when he saw me approach, throwing his arms around me in a quick hug. I wasn’t at all surprised by the gesture. Akio had always been the most affectionate member of our group, having been raised by parents who lavished love and attention on him his entire life. They were wonderful people who had expanded their love to include each of us, treating us as if we were their children too.
Jasper, however, hadn’t been as lucky. His parents had done nothing to defend or protect him when he’d needed it the most. The trauma of it all had left an indelible mark on him and—aside from our close circle— he’d struggled to trust anyone with his heart and his body. That was until Maks had come along.
The ex-military turned security guard may have been trained to kill a person with his bare hands, but he’d shown Jasper nothing but care and respect, proving through kindness anddevotion that Jasper could depend on him. Maks had pulled my best friend out of the darkness and brought him back into the light, and for that, he had my eternal gratitude. Jasper exuded happiness now, a fact which was evidenced by the carefree grin on his face as he bumped his shoulder with mine as I slid into the booth next to him.
A server walked up to our table with a tray and began handing out ice waters followed by menus. I set mine aside, knowing I’d order my usual steak salad with ranch dressing on the side.
“How’s it going?” Maks asked.
I smiled at him. “Good. How are you guys?”
Jasper leaned against his boyfriend who was on his other side, one muscled arm stretched lazily along the back of the booth. “We’re great. Maks has been busy with work, but nothing that’s required traveling, which is good because I kind of like having him at home.”