“Kind of? You kind of like having me home?” Maks teased, leaning down to nuzzle the side of Jasper’s neck.
Jasper laughed, twisting out of his ticklish grasp. “Okay, okay. I really, really love having you home!”
“That’s better.” Maks grinned as he pulled Jasper back into his embrace.
“Ugh! You two are sickeningly sweet,” I complained, pretending to gag.
Across the table, Akio and Morgan laughed. “I can’t wait to see when it happens to him,” Morgan murmured.
“When what happens?” I asked, taking a sip of water.
“When you finally fall in love.” Akio’s answer had me choking on my drink.
I shot him an exasperated look as I grabbed a napkin and began wiping my chin. “No offense to you guys, but I’m not looking to settle down and play house with anyone.”
Akio grinned smugly. “Maybe not yet, but someday you’re going to meet someone who takes your breath away and you won’t have any other choice but to fall.”
I turned my head towards Jasper as he placed a hand on my arm. “We’re not trying to pressure you in any way. We simply want you to be happy.”
“I know you do, but I promise, I am happy.” I gave them all a salacious grin. “Why, you should have seen just how happy I was last night when I went home with these two guys I met at Whipped. They were identical twins and hot as fuck. And let’s just say, I wasn’t the only one they focused their attention on,” I added, waggling my eyebrows at them.
“Wait, you mean they…with…each other?” Akio asked, looking positively horrified.
“Try not to think about it,” Morgan said, kissing the side of his husband’s head.
“I think we all could stand to bleach our brains after that one,” Maks noted with a shudder.
I struggled not to laugh as I gave them my most innocent look. “What’s wrong? I thought you all wanted me to be happy.”
“I changed my mind. Be miserable,” Jasper joked.
“He doesn’t need to be miserable,” Akio added kindly, but then he darted his eyes towards me, his expression turning stern. “Maybe just keep your stories to yourself.”
A laugh burst out of me, unable to hold it in any longer. “You should see your faces.”
Akio’s eyes narrowed. “You made all of that up?”
I shook my head. “Not all of it. I did go home with the twins, but it was a few weeks ago and they didn’t do anything to each other. Although, that would have been HOT!”
“You’re an ass.” The harshness of Jasper’s words was ruined by the twitching of his lips.
I bumped my shoulder with his. “Yeah, but I’myourass. You guys love me and you know it.”
Maks smirked. “That says a lot more about us than it does you.”
Everyone laughed and I settled back in my seat, a happy smile on my face. We ordered dinner and spent the next hour and a half eating, joking around, and catching up with one another. As I listened to Morgan describe the intricacies of his latest woodworking project, I couldn’t help but notice the way Akio gazed at him adoringly. Their hands were intertwined on the table, wedding bands glinting in the soft lighting of the restaurant. A familiar ache settled in my chest, one I’d been feeling more and more lately. I pushed it aside, focusing instead on the conversation and laughter around me. These were my best friends, my family. I should be happy for them, not feeling—whatever this was.
“So, Travis, how’s work going?” Jasper asked, pulling me from my thoughts. “Akio mentioned you hired a new physical therapist?”
I nodded, grateful for the change in subject. “Yeah, his name’s Parker Reyes. He starts on Monday. Seems like a great guy from our phone interviews. I just hope he works out; I could definitely use the extra help.”
“Especially since you signed on to work with the Cubs,” Morgan added.
“That’s still so cool,” Maks said with a grin.
“Yeah, this is huge for my business. People trust who the top athletes go to for their own injuries. We’ve already been flooded with calls for appointments since the news announced the contract was signed.”
“That’s great, man. I’m happy for you,” Morgan said.