Page 75 of Obsession

If I didn’t hate him so much, I would have wanted to sink my lips and teeth into him again.

Fuck. Me.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t already imagined yourself on top of him,” she spat the words out.

“Not as much as he imagined himself on top of me,” I replied with a wicked grin on my lips and bent over her face.

I saw the switch flip inside her before she raised her hand to strike me, but it was caught by a larger hand that pushed her back. Harris stood in front of me, his hot breath brushing across my face, his eyes showing pure rage.

“You’re coming with me. Now,” he demanded, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me behind him.

“Let go of me! Do you want to kill your girlfriend? She’ll have a heart attack,” I scoffed and tore myself away.

The whole school stood around, watching us as if we were a play. One they didn’t pay for tickets to.

“Katherine, stop it,” he growled again, coming towards me.

“Or what? You have no right to tell me what to do. You heard her, you’re hers,” I spoke, maintaining my smile as I pointed at Amber, who was on the verge of spontaneous combustion.

“Harris!” she screamed, her voice a loud screech as she stomped her foot.

I laughed again.

Adrenaline pulsed through me, and I wanted to mess her up so badly. Even though Harris had pissed me off more, she was the one I wanted to take my anger out on.

He didn’t seem to hear her. His large palms cupped my face and pulled me toward him.

“Katherine, stop before you do something you’ll regret. Come with me,” his whisper sounded stern.

My breathing became labored, his gaze and hot breath brushing over my face made me dizzy.

I blinked repeatedly and lost myself for a few moments. He took advantage of my moment of weakness and pulled me behind him, almost dragging me across the field towards the changing rooms until we were out of sight.

In the locker room, Harris closed the door and locked it. I took a few steps away from him and stumbled towards the wall, which was filled to the brim with red and white lockers.

“You…” was the only thing he could say, then he exhaled angrily.

He wasn’t the only one who could get angry. I answered fire with fire as he walked towards me.

“Why the fuck did you bring me here?”

My protests died down as he got a little too close to me. I automatically backed away because I didn’t want him to touch me.

He narrowed his eyes. I had no idea what he was thinking or what he was capable of.

“Go back to her! Leave me the hell alone, I’ve had enough of you.”

“Katherine…” he breathed out again.

He was still just as tense as he was in the car, but there was something different in his eyes now, something much more explosive.

“Do you have any idea how much I’m beginning to hate you? How much I hate what you’re starting?”

“Shut up!” He came at me, grabbing my hips as he pushed me against the locker, my breath catching in my throat. “Fucking hell, Katherine! Just shut up for a fucking moment,” he growled, leaning his head over me.

“Why? So you can sell me more lies?”

“No… so I can do what I’ve wanted to do from the first fucking second I saw you,” his hot breath brushed over my lips, then his mouth collided with mine.