Page 76 of Obsession

I froze in place, perplexed, dumbfounded, completely immobile. His body pressed against mine as his lips moved furiously over mine. I tried to pull away, but I couldn’t.

His lips kneaded mine in the most venomous way possible, leaving me breathless. His tongue battled with my mouth, and I had no chance of resisting him.

His large, tense hand traveled up my body, bunching my tank top at the hips and gripping the flesh there in his fists. Soon after, they traveled over my thighs, picking me up and pressing me against the metal of the locker, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I couldn’t protest in any way, and I didn’t know if I even wanted to.

I began to understand why he was holding back on such a kiss, because I could feel his control slipping away faster than mine. The euphoria induced by his lips and touch crept into my body, his cologne clouding my judgment and replacing the drug in my veins with the drug his essence exuded.

Temptation won out, and I gave in.

I raised my arms, pushed my fingers brutally through his hair and pulled him closer to me. I tugged at his curls, ready to give in the same destructive way he did.

His body clung to mine, pressing me against the cold lockers, and I snuggled into him even tighter. The feeling that position triggered in me was maddening.

Harris was stronger, and more passionate than I had imagined. It would be a lie to say I hadn’t been obsessively thinking about this moment.

There were moments when I couldn’t stand him, he drove me crazy and sometimes scared me, but at the same time I desired him with terrifying fierceness. I had never behaved like this before. I always knew what I wanted, but with Harris, nothing was logical anymore and I had no idea what to do afterwards.

I guess that was the definition of obsession.

His hand snuck under my top, traveled up my back, and goosebumps formed on my skin. My breasts remembered him, and the bites he’d left began to ache again. I wanted more. My arms dropped to his neck, lightly grazing his taut, sweaty skin before I sank my nails into it.

A lustful groan escaped his throat and filled the empty room.

I had no idea where we were headed, but I couldn’t stop. The fire left by his touch burned the skin from my bones, and my blood pulsed wildly in my veins. No matter how many drugs I had consumed up until that moment, none had the same insane effect as Harris’ hands, his kiss, and his breath.

My head fell back as his lips traveled over my neck and began to bite and kiss the seemingly boiling skin there. I swallowed and felt the moan climb up my throat and escape my mouth in a deep exhale. My fingers clawed into his hair, the gesture expressing the lust that coursed through me. I felt his smile spread across my neck, proud of himself for provoking the sound.

He returned to my lips and devoured them until I began to whimper for air.

Slowly he pulled back, just enough for me to breathe, and another dazzling smile settled on his mouth.

“I was right.” I looked at him, confused, too dazed to think straight. “Your lips are sweeter than any cookie in this world.”

I swallowed.

His fingers roamed over my back, and my body trembled under his electrifying touch. I closed my eyes in response to the euphoria he induced.

He groaned as my body shook, returning his lips to mine and engaging us in another passionate kiss. His hands fell over my back, grabbing my ass with his large palms and pullingme forcefully against his chest. He pulled me off the cold metal surface and then sat me down on one of the benches in the middle of the changing room. It was cramped and uncomfortable, but when I saw Harris lying on top of me, I lost it.

He was… unreal. Now that he had more options, his hands began to greedily explore my entire body, stroking it from my hips to my ankles and then back up again. My legs wrapped around his thighs, his massive muscles vibrating through his skin and tensing under his own actions. His hot breath flowed past my lips and down my throat.

In that moment, I tasted the strongest drug in the world: Harris Stone.

My hands traveled down his back and released his curls from my grasp. They dug into his skin as I slipped them under his T-shirt.

His body temperature was rising at a rapid pace.

I wanted him. At that moment.

And he seemed to want me just as much, because he was on the verge of tearing my clothes off again. His mouth robbed me of my air, my mind, and my soul. And I offered it willingly.

He reached for my zipper when the rattling of the doorknob interrupted us.

Our heads turned towards the door at the same time.

Someone on the other side really wanted to come in.

We had completely forgotten where we were.