Page 276 of Obsession

As soon as he made his presence known, the demon was met with a wave of whistles and cheers. We were quickly surrounded by people I did not know, all wanting to shake his hand. Harris put his arm around my waist and hugged me to his body in the sexiest, most territorial gesture possible. As if any more clues were needed to know that I was his. Our friends were behind us, but they weren’t making as much noise as we were.

I found myself among dozens of friendly people trying to greet me and compliment me on my outfit.

With difficulty we got inside the house, just so we could step outside again, but this time to the backyard where the real debauchery was taking place.

There was a huge pool filled with a little too many drunk teenagers trying to swim and I noticed that most of the girls were naked, some dancing around in lascivious movements, others struggling to stay on their feet depending on their alcohol level.

Ah, so this was what V had been talking about.

Booze and drugs were everywhere, and I could feel the euphoria in the air, and I didn’t think I needed an injectable to get high.

“Demon!” A booming scream rang out above us, and we both turned at the sound.

Up on the balcony was a black-haired guy with a bottle of liquor in his hand.

“That’s Mike,” Harris said to me.

I knew he’d come up to us, but I was hoping he’d take the stairs like any normal person would, instead he held onto a thick rope attached to the railing and came down it like it was a zip line, landing in the middle of the pool, howling.

Harris started laughing, and I jumped back, hoping the wave he caused wouldn’t touch me.

In a flash, Mike got out of the pool and came towards us, higher and happier than everyone else around.

“Demon,” he shouted again, pulling Harris into a strong hug that made him cough on impact.

I tried to step back from them because he was soaked, but Harris would not let go of me as he put an arm around Mike and then pushed him away.

“Thanks for the refreshment, man,” Harris teased.

“What’s up, bro? I thought you weren’t coming,” the guy grumbled, slapping Harris on the shoulder as he took a swig from the whiskey bottle that was half-filled with water. When he felt the taste, he wrinkled his nose and threw it away.

“And miss this party?” Harris laughed.

Mike grinned and pointed at the naked girls in the pool.

Okay, that didn’t sit well with me.

“All you want, as much as you want. We got pussy for a week, brother. Even virgins, just the way you like them,” he winked cheekily and, fuck, it was hard not to react.

Harris laughed and shook his head.

“Nah, man, I got everything I want right here,” Harris said, grabbing my hips to pull me closer, as if that were possible. We were already glued to each other.

Mike seemed to notice me for the first time, probably thinking I was just another drunk girl clinging to Harris’ arm. His eyes suddenly widened.

“Fuck me… is this Katherine?” he asked in shock as he pointed at me, looking at Harris with the gaze of a drunk, unbalanced person.

I was surprised to see that he had heard of me.

“Yes,” Harris smiled, “Katherine, this is Mike. Mike, this is my girlfriend, Katherine.”

Had he said I was his girlfriend to mark his territory again?

Mike shook his head, almost as if he was just waking up from his drunken state.

“Nice to meet you, Katherine. You have no idea how much I’ve heard about you,” he said in a normal voice this time, holding his hand out to me with a smile.

I took his cold and wet hand, “Nice to meet you too. I hope you’ve heard good things.”