He was outnumbered. When I realized that, I got scared. He was alone.
“Harris, let’s go,” I whispered, placing my palms on his chest, my eyes pleading with him.
He looked at me, his face devoid of anything other than anger.
“Please, you’ve been through enough today,” I continued, praying he would listen.
I felt his breathing quicken. I raised my arms to his neck and slowly stroked his skin with my fingertips. I knew he liked that, and I hoped it would soothe him.
“Please…” I begged again, able to cry if necessary.
He closed his eyes for a moment, then took my hand from the back of his neck and pulled me to his car. He was tense, fighting with himself to do it, to forgo the confrontation.
“Running away, Stone?”
Max’s mocking voice made him stop. This blond asshole was pissing me off.
“You want to look like Joshua, Max? I’d like to see if you’re that confident on your own, without your pack behind you.”
After my words, Kristen let out a short laugh, and I pulled Harris to his Ferrari.
I had never been so happy to be in that car with him. He started the car and accelerated quickly, sending me flush against my seat. I hurried to fasten my seatbelt.
Max jumped onto the sidewalk and the others followed him. A smart move, Harris would probably have run them all over.
He was driving faster than I’d ever seen him before and anger coated his face. He was clearly upset with me.
The green lights on the dashboard made him scary, and by scary, I meant demonically beautiful. I had read pure jealousy in his eyes when Zac had grabbed my hand.
He was having a terrible day because of me, and he probably wanted revenge.
The car flew across the highway so fast that I could barely make out the outlines of the other vehicles. He did nothing but push buttons, and the feeling was getting scarier and scarier because he never reached that speed with me in the passenger seat.
“So you want to have fun, huh? I’ll show you fun,” he said with dangerous seriousness as he floored the gas, letting me know that my problems for today were just beginning.
My eyes were fixed on the speedometer. The number changed with each passing second, increasing, just like my pulse. When he reached 230 miles per hour, my mind involuntarily began to say a prayer. The RPMs didn’t drop under 7000 either.
He didn’t want to calm down, and I was trying not to think about what would happen to us if he were to collide with something at this speed.
He was driving like a maniac, with a mask of frustration and fury on his face. I was searching for my words, but I couldn’t find anything right to say, nothing that would pull me out of the mess I made, because no matter how hard I fought myself, I was still feeling guilty about what I did. I didn’t know why, but it was simply how I felt, which was as ridiculous as it was annoying.
The lights on the other cars flew past us like lightning bolts in a storm. He didn’t even seem focused on driving, as his mind seemed thrown elsewhere, frowning often and gripping the steering wheel with white knuckle force every time he didn’t like some thought. I wondered what he was thinking about. Where was he taking me?
I tightened the seatbelt around me, curling into my seat. I had a big mouth and balls for days – abilities that seemed to be advantages, but combined with the trouble magnet I was, they didn’t do much good – but Harris had kind of scared me today. I wasn’t truly afraid of him, I actually felt safer than anywhere when I was with him, but that didn’t mean that he could suddenly do whatever he wanted with me.
“Harris, stop the car,” I asked, calmly, because it wasn’t the time to start yelling at him.
When he ignored me, my calm flew out the window.
“Stop this fucking car right fucking now!”