I expected him to keep ignoring me, but he pulled over and stopped with a brake so strong that would have sent me flying through the windshield were it not for the seatbelt.
“I stopped it,” he fought back immediately and turned towards me.
I slowly exhaled and managed to calm down. I really wanted a normal talk.
“Why did you come for me?”
“Why do you think?”
“I want honest answers, Harris, not ironic ones.”
He sighed, trying to calm himself down, just as I did.
“I don’t know why I came. Believe what you want, but that’s the truth.”
“Did you have Ty track my phone again?”
He didn’t say anything, but silence was also an answer.
“You have to stop that, it’s becoming annoying.”
For the first time since I had met him, he simply nodded, without any comments.
I looked at my hands and searched for the right words.
“Harris, you’re behaving as if we’re in a relationship, which isn’t okay at all. I know you’re not with Amber anymore, but that doesn’t mean we…”
He reached for me and gripped my chin between his fingers.
“You wanted me to leave you with him?” he spoke normally, but I could feel the growl in his voice, “Tell me! Ask me to take you back to him and I will! Ask me not to touch you ever again and I swear I’ll respect your decision. I’m not the dominating devil everyone made you believe I am.”
His rough tone made me gulp. I could have ended it right here. I had the chance, but my lips vehemently refused speaking those words.
“This past week you avoided me like I was a fucking parasite. Tell me what happened, Katherine. I broke it off with Amber, for good, even if I hadn’t touched her since the first day I laid eyes on you. I did it officially, like you wanted, and now you’re running away from me more than before.”
I sunk my nails into my palms, wanting to tell him everything, but I was afraid of the consequences. I remembered what Shane had told me.
I looked at his T-shirt, I couldn’t see them in the low lighting, but I knew those blood stains were there.
Eventually, Harris gave up. He freed me and sighed forcefully, pulling back, and running his hands through his hair.
“Despite what you think, I didn’t come for you to cause a jealousy scene, which is why I waited for you outside and didn’t enter the theatre. I wanted to ask you to come with me and talk, but when I saw that asshole grabbing your hand, my calm went to shit.”
He didn’t look at me while he spoke, but I carefully analyzed him. I had tried forgetting him these past days, moving on from whatever had sparked between us, but I had only drowned myself in pain. Now, having him so close, all I wanted was to feel him holding me again.
“What did you want to talk about?” I asked.
He smiled bitterly, the green light highlighting the sharp features on his face.
“It doesn’t matter now.”
This time, I was the one who reached for him, and I surprised him when I cupped his cheek in my palm.
“It matters to me.”
He immediately grabbed my hips to pull me closer.
“I know I’m not the normal type of… boyfriend. I don’t think I’ll ever be, and you probably already figured that out on your own. I went crazy when I saw you in the hallway, I would have killed that fucker without thinking much about it. I’m impulsive, protective, and jealous, and I’ll never be able to change that. It’s your decision whether or not you accept me like this, but I want you to tell me. I want you to look into my eyes and tell me why I should leave you alone, not avoid me like you have done these past days.”