Page 282 of Obsession

I backed away, grabbed the glass from the table and downed all the hard liquor, feeling its burn down my throat. I reached for Harris’ lips, clamped the half slice of lime between my teeth and began to suck on it in unison with him. We kneaded the fruit in our mouths while our lips barely touched. It tasted good and refreshing after the burn of the alcohol untilHarris pulled it out of my mouth, spat it out and pressed his lips to mine.

He captured my tongue in a dance that was even more lascivious than the one I’d done earlier, his hands still gripping my ass. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to get as close to him as possible.

He was driving me insane, and I didn’t need any more drugs or alcohol, because he was both.

The atmosphere was tingling, everything seemed to explode around us, especially me. He aroused me more than I had ever been aroused in my entire life.

We repeated the trick many times until control slipped out of my hands.

I wanted him to do it too, I even tempted him with a slice of lime that I squeezed over my neck. He sucked on my skin until I turned to gelatin in his hands, but he didn’t change his drink.

The energy drinks seemed to be hurting him more than the alcohol, because he was on his fourth can. He wasn’t drinking Monster anymore, he’d switched to Venom, and his eyes were sparkling with energy, just like V’s after the drug. If I slept with him now, he’d tear me to shreds.

Jay and Ken had a competitionto see who could down ten shots of Stroh faster. Ken won, and Jay blamed the bottle because it had a tighter opening, even though he was drinking from glasses.

I tried to stop, but I kept catching myself gulping something down, and when I drank from Harris’ energy drink, my brain shuddered.

“Who’s up for some blackjack?” Jay asked, barely able to stand.

The idea sounded good to everyone, and I lost myself in thought as I tried to remember how the game worked.

We went inside, where the same chaos reigned, but the smoke coming from the joints was much thicker, and that didn’t help with the excessive amount of drugs already in my system.

I could barely stand and laughed mindlessly as Jay argued with Ty about V’s hair color being green and not purple.

They were sitting around a big round table in the living room covered in cards and poker chips. That would be interesting.

But my bladder had other ideas.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I whispered to Harris.

He held on to my waist, supporting almost all of my weight, because my legs did not seem to be communicating with me anymore.

“I’m coming with you,” he said, already starting to move.

“No,” I argued, almost shouting.

The alcohol was clearly exaggerating my reaction, but the idea disgusted me.

He rolled his eyes and looked at V, and I already knew he was silently asking her to go with me, and I pouted like a spoiled child.

“No. Where’s the restroom?” I asked, looking at V.

“Last door on the right,” she replied, pointing to the stairs.

I nodded my thanks.

“I’ll be right back, no one will eat me,” I said to Harris, grimacing as I walked past him.

I heard him sigh behind me, but I ignored him and stumbled up the grand marble staircase, passing many drunken teenagers. God, that was a lot of stairs, and the house was huge and looked like some kind of palace. I wondered what Mike did outside of racing, or rather what his parents did? Did he have the same situation as Harris?

I shook my head and concentrated on my bladder problem for the time being.

I barely reached the second floor. The corridor was almost empty, so I could walk quite quickly, but it was also very long, crammed with doors left and right behind which I could hear all sorts of noises, from moans to outright screams, and I was jealous because I wanted to be in one of those rooms with Harris.

I had almost reached the end of the hall when a door opened right next to me and a tall blonde with tousled hair came out, pulling her corset over her breasts.

I continued on my way to the bathroom until her voice stopped me, “You’re Katherine, right?”