Page 283 of Obsession

I immediately turned around. Although I had gotten used to everyone here knowing me, there was something about her I didn’t like.

I noticed her scrutinizing me with a mocking grin on her face.

Well, that was it.

I was about to explode, but I froze when she straightened her head and I got a better look at her. My tongue instantly ran dry.

My legs began to shake with rage as my eyes noticed the tattoo on her neck. Nothing more than a simple letter, that fucking thorny letter I’d seen on another girl before. Harris’ infamous mark.

I squinted, suppressing the instinct to lunge at her and rip the letter right off her neck.

“Yes, I’m Katherine,” I replied coldly, closing my mouth before adding Harris’ girlfriend, though she probably already knew that.

“Hmm, you’re nothing special,” she said, wrinkling her nose and turning her back to me.

Oh, someone’s going to lose their hair tonight.

“What did you say, bitch?”

She turned to me, a mischievous cat smile on her face.

“You think I don’t know who you are?” she asked, looking at me like I was spoiled milk. “You’re Harris’ new plaything. You must feel so important right now, don’t you? But I’ll talk to you in a few weeks, although in your case, it might be days,” she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I already knew that the alcohol and PCP in my system had a lot to do with my behavior, but I couldn’t suppress my instincts any longer, and the next thing I knew, I was shoving my hands into the blonde’s hair.

She started screaming, immediately fighting me off and trying to escape, but you couldn’t call another woman atoyand expect to get away with it, especially when that woman was drunk.

Insults spewed from our mouths, and adrenaline pulsed through me as I threw her to the floor when her hands grabbed my ponytail. After releasing her hand from my hair, I slammed her wrist to the floor and straddled her, then grabbed her by the hair again and smacked her head on the floor a few times as the fight inside her seemed to die down.

“Toy, huh? I’m going to show you a toy, slut.”

She tried desperately to shake me off, but she stood no chance as I tightened my thighs on either side of her waist and slapped her across the face. I was nothing special? Was that what she was saying? She was so weak that it wasn’t even fun to hit her.

I heard a thick voice call my name, and moments later I was pulled away.

“Let go of me, I’ll rip her head off,” I screamed, struggling against Harris’ grip, flailing my arms and legs as he lifted me up.

“Katherine, calm down,” he scolded in a stern voice and I turned around to take all my anger out on him.

“Whose side are you on, anyway?” I shouted, still struggling in his arms, but it would have been easier to escape from iron chains.

Harris turned his eyes to the disheveled trash I’d left on the floor, and they filled with rage as the blonde stood up, panting like she’d just run a marathon; her gaze threw daggers at me.

“You fucking bitch,” she screamed, trying to reach me, but Harris’ arm let go of me, and I winced as it flew right into the blonde’s neck, pinning her in place.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Harris asked coldly.

His green eyes looked venomous now, so angry and beautiful.

His reaction was over the top, but I dangerously liked the way he kept her away from me. She looked at him with undoubted fear.

“Harris, please,” she pleaded.

His grip wasn’t tight because she wasn’t gasping for air, but it didn’t look comfortable either. He released her and pushed her back.

“I asked you a question,” he insisted as his arm tightened around me again.

“Are you trying to hide us all because of her?” the blonde replied, giving me another ugly look.