Page 213 of Obsession

“Do you recognize that car?” Adam asked as I struggled to plug in the charger with shaking hands.

“Yes. It’s been following me since…” Since Harris and I had our first interaction. “A long time.” I added when Adam looked at me. The screen on my phone lit up, but tit still wasn’t charged enough to turn on. “Come on…” I shouted at it, slapping it on my thigh a few times.

“Kath, listen to me!”

I looked at Adam, then in the right rear-view mirror. He’d managed to keep the Rover away, but he was driving like a maniac. He was constantly making dangerous maneuvers and was more in the oncoming lane than ours.

My heartbeat increased as I felt it in my throat.

“At the next turn, when I stop, you jump out of the car and run. Run as fast as you can and hide!”

“Don’t even…”

“Kath!” he shouted at me desperately, his eyes fixed on the mirror. “Do as I say, please!”

“I’m not leaving you, I am not even thinking about it!” I shouted back with tears in my eyes.

“They’ll catch us both.”

“They’ll come after me, anyway.”

“No! Run, go to the police. Go to the detective who took Harris.”

I ran my hands through my hair and felt the sudden need to scream. God, he was already talking like he didn’t have a chance.

My phone turned on, and I waited desperately for my contacts to load. The Range Rover was getting closer and closer when Adam performed another deadly maneuver on a tight corner, throwing me against the door despite wearing my seatbelt. It was then that I realized we were already out of town and the road was lined with trees.

He braked suddenly, and the impact threw me forward.

“Now! Get out!”

He shouted at me, but I couldn’t do it. Under no circumstance would I leave him alone. They would kill him, no questions asked. He was just a pawn, a pawn that hadn’t done its job.

“Drive! I’m not leaving you alone!”



We shouted at each other, then he cursed through his teeth and tried to undo my seatbelt, but the Rover soon appeared.

I screamed out as Adam hit the gas at the same time. The car took off, but we had lost our lead.

I was not able to focus on my phone, call Harris or the police because I was frozen with fear and my eyes were glued to the car behind us and the fact that I couldn’t see anything through the tinted windows.

It crashed into us and my seatbelt dug into my ribs. I tried not to scream, to stay calm, to think clearly, but there was nothing I could do as fear dictated my every action.

The next impact almost threw us off the highway, and the Rover accelerated past us.

I watched in horror as it kept getting closer, then the passenger door window lowered a little.

I howled.

I was about to throw myself over Adam when I saw the barrel of the gun slide out, held by a black glove.

Everything happened far too quickly, the shot could even be heard over the engine, then the window shattered, shards flying around. I immediately covered my face to protect myself, but it was too late because the bullet had already reached its target.

I could still see the Rover accelerating, the blood pouring out of Adam’s abdomen, and then everything turned into a series of devastating events. I could no longer scream, think, or do anything to save my life.