Page 214 of Obsession

Adam lost control of the car and braked hard, but we were going too fast. I felt like the whole planet was spinning backwards as the car swerved unnaturally and went off the road.

The seatbelt dug into my ribs again, the air was forced out of my lungs and the car was thrown onto its left side. The sound was deafening as the body crumpled and we were trapped inside.

The position in my seat changed, and I was hanging on my side, held by the seatbelt, then something hit the ceiling directly above my head, knocking it, and my vision suddenly darkened.

At the same time, I felt the pain spread throughout my body without being able to pinpoint the cause.

Then everything stopped.

All that remained was silence, smoke, broken glass and the two of us, trapped like two birds in a broken cage.

I gritted my teeth as my ears began to ring. I closed my eyes and forced myself to reach my temples because the pain was unbearable, but my hands weren’t helping as they were trapped in an anomalous position. I blinked several times to clear my vision, but everything was blurry.

When I managed to get past the pain and keep myself from passing out, I realized the situation I was in. The car had rolled over on Adam’s side, then the roof had hit a tree, which is probably why we hadn’t rolled any further.

The back of my head hurt terribly, the roof of the car was pressing down on my head while I was hanging by the seatbelt

Adam was unconscious underneath me.

I reached for him and held him by the arm. His head was covered in blood and pressed into the broken glass.

“Adam! Adam!” I cried out, tugging desperately at him as fear and horror brought back some of my strength.

My heart pounded as I tried to free myself from the seatbelt. I wrenched free and held onto the door to stop myself from falling onto Adam. The shards dug into my palms as I tried to find a position that would allow me access to Adam. I had no chance of taking him out through his door.

I felt no more pain as the blood flowed from my skin, seemingly without source. All I focused on with unimaginable desperation was freeing Adam, making sure he didn’t….

“Adam! Adam, please, wake up!”

I screamed and cried at the same time and managed to undo his seatbelt. I held onto the door and lifted his t-shirt to examine his abdomen. There was a terrible cut on his chest, but I couldn’t see a bullet wound.

I didn’t allow myself to get too excited about it because he was still unconscious. I pressed the T-shirt to his wound, and he flinched.

I had never felt greater relief in my life, all the air in the world squeezed out of my lungs as he opened his eyes and looked at me.

“Kath, run,” he barely whispered, his breathing shallow.

“I’m not running anywhere,” I gritted my teeth and helped him pull his arm out from under him.

He winced in pain. It appeared to be broken, but after he regained consciousness, he was able to move.

“We have to get out of here,” he said, and I agreed with him wholeheartedly.

I could hear the engine sizzling, the smell of gasoline getting stronger by the second, but I didn’t want to think about it.

I crawled with all my might to my door, cutting myself several times because there was broken glass everywhere, but I managed to unlock it and push it open with my foot.

I held my hand out to Adam, and he didn’t protest when he grabbed it. It was harder for him to get out through the tight space as he was larger than me, but we managed to make our way out together, then jumped off the car.

Adam grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from it. He was limping and losing more blood by the second. He couldn’t hold up one of his arms, but we managed to pull ourselves to safety.

After we made sure an eventual explosion wouldn’t reach us, we finally breathed a sigh of relief and sank to the ground.

There was no one around.

Our attackers had disappeared, but I still didn’t feel safe.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against a tree while the pain returned to many parts of my body. I was cold and my vision was blurred again. Adam pulled me closer to him andexamined my temples, because that’s where most of the pain was coming from. I didn’t want to know why.