We sank into deep darkness; I couldn’t see anything, but I could feel him. He was frozen next to me. I knew he was leaning down as his breath clung to my lips.
“Before I…” he whispered and broke off.
He took a deep breath as he touched me, then hugged me tightly.
“Why are you so hot?”
I heard myself giggle.
“Literally or figuratively?”
“Both at the moment.”
My amusement evaporated as Harris’s palms caressed my arms and his lips touched my neck. In that moment, I realized he was still here, and what that meant. His breath smelled like tobacco, and his skin was so seductively cold that I wanted to cling to him.
“I tried not to think about you anymore, about the fact that you had gone to… her. Boiling water was a quick and painful fix.”
I wanted so badly to see his face, to see what his features were expressing at that moment. The sudden tension made me shiver, and not at all because I was cold.
“I left,” Harris whispered, pressing his forehead to mine, “then I came back.”
“Why?” I whispered back.
“Because I’ve realized that there’s no place I would rather be. No other person I’d rather spend the night with. I want you. Only you…”
My breath fell heavily as his hand massaged my back and I could no longer suppress the lustful whimper.
I didn’t flinch as Harris took me in his arms. I had no idea how he’d managed to find the bed in the thick blackness that surrounded us, but he was already on top of me. His lips knew mine. I was no longer a secret to him.
His mouth conquered mine with hunger and passion, his tongue slipped through my lips and took possession of mine. He bit my lower lip, growled, and every fiber of my body responded to him.
I flinched under his lips and didn’t know if I wanted it to stop or continue. My brain was no longer making logical connections.
His cold palm snuck under my tank top and gently caressed my skin. When it reached the underside of my breast, I whimpered, and he stopped. I wasn’t wearing a bra anymore, and if we crossed that line, there would probably be no way to stop us.
He lifted his head and inhaled deeply, I could feel him, but I could not see anything. All I could see were stars, ignited by my electrified hormones.
“Tell me to go.”
His plea surprised me, and I did not know how to respond.
“Tell me to go, Katherine,” his forehead leaned over mine.
“You can go if you want,” I barely whispered.
“That’s the problem: I don’t want to go; I think that’s already clear. I want…” he paused and sighed deeply.
I knew what he wanted; I didn’t need to ask again. What really scared me was that I wanted it too.
I realized that I was happy.
I hadn’t felt that for so long that I had forgotten to even recognize it.
I was happy that he had come back. That he hadn’t gone to… someone else.
“Fuck,” he groaned angrily and pressed his face into the pillow, then sat back up. “Let me stay the night. I promise not to try anything, but I want to sleep next to you and find out what is happening to us.”
“What do you think is happening to us?”