Page 103 of Obsession

I had no idea what was going through our teacher’s mind, but I think it was about Harris’ naked body. In other circumstances, I would have laughed.

She shook her head slightly, then nodded.

“No problem, please take your seats.”

Harris looked at me and made a gesture that made my hormones surge. He bit the tip of his tongue and winked at me.

In the name of all things holy, he was going to send us both to detention.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my desk. I didn’t protest because I wasn’t sure I could move on my own.

I noticed the reactions of the others. His friends were all grinning like little devils and seemed to know everything that had happened in the bathroom, and my friends were shocked, to say the least.

Amber was by far the most interesting picture, so angry that she couldn’t even find the smartass remarks from earlier.

I sat at my desk and turned my back on everyone, problems for later. Harris did another shocking thing when he stood at the desk next to me and gestured for the boy sitting there to move. He only looked up briefly, then took up his notebooks and moved away. I wasn’t surprised, the poor guy barely reached Harris’ chest and the chair was probably heavier than him. I would have done the same as him.

Harris sat down and looked at the teacher with comical curiosity, and I refrained from laughing. I didn’t know if he wasdoing it to sit next to me so he could torment me with his looks, or because he didn’t want to sit next to Amber, who was probably imagining herself stabbing him with the pen. Pretty sure she wanted to throw me out the window.

“Okay, class, now that we’re all present, I’ll show you the surprise I was talking about earlier.”

She leaned on the edge of her desk, which was in front of us. In front of Harris, who was once again sitting in that far too relaxed position. Poor Miss Ghelager, I almost felt sorry for her. She was struggling not to look at him. Had she succumbed to his charms more than she wanted to admit? I wouldn’t be surprised; she was young and seemed easy to manipulate.

I was shocked at how much the thought suddenly annoyed me.

Then I finally noticed the boxes in front of the class. Lots of them, with strange pictures on them. They seemed to be… babies.

“We have a new project that I am personally very excited about.”

Her smile as she said that didn’t sit well with me.

“It’s about how families come about in this new generation. Young people these days, yes, I’m talking about you, are becoming more and more rebellious, unconscious even, and while some are seriously thinking about starting a family, they have no idea how. And so, these babies end up with unprepared parents who have no idea where the diaper belongs.”

It was the kind of explanation where you didn’t know whether to laugh or freeze in fear. The eyes in the room widened, and I propped my forehead in my palm as she opened a box and pulled out a doll the shape and size of a real baby.

“I want to study your behavior in the face of such responsibility.”

Jay burst out laughing hysterically, almost making me wince in shock.

“Oh, come on, you’re not serious, are you?” he continued to laugh.

“I’m dead serious, Jay,” she replied with a grin. “So, boy or girl?”

Spikey looked at her, fear in his eyes as he swallowed.

I looked at Harris, who had a small, amused smile on his lips and was sitting comfortably in his chair, arms folded in front of his chest, like a spectator.

“These are your babies for a week,” she explained cheerfully, pulling out the rest of the dolls.

Some were dressed in pink, the others in blue, probably to differentiate between boys and girls. The whole thing made me forget what had happened just five minutes earlier.

“And I have another surprise for you,” she continued, taking a sheet of paper from her desk.

“Really? Do we have to wear fake bellies now, or what?” Violet got indignant and everyone started laughing.

“Wouldn’t be a bad idea,” the teacher seemed to think, amused.

“Wait a minute, there’s one more important step before the belly and the babies,” Jay butted in, very seriously, making me choke with laughter.