Even Harris was laughing. God, he was beautiful when he laughed. The demon seemed to have been replaced by an angel. Or the perfect combination of both, and I was starting to feel overwhelmed by him again.
“Consider that yours was brought by the stork,” our teacher interrupted him.
Spikey let out a disappointed sigh.
“Okay, now we’ll get to know our families, shall we?” she grinned with the paper in her hand.
“You mean we’re working in pairs?” Kristen asked anxiously.
“Oh yes, a child must have a mother and a father, chosen by me of course.”
We were all silent. Oh, God, this couldn’t end well.
“I’m pretty sure marriage doesn’t work that way, Miss Ghelager,” commented Violet, and we all agreed with her, but the teacher ignored us and continued to read:
“Stewart with Meyer, Green with Solton…” She kept calling out the pairs by our last names, and no one seemed happy with their partner, and disapproving sighs rang around the room.
I bit my lip as I anxiously waited to hear my name called.
“Ventura with Danice,” as soon as she said that two chairs creaked on the floor.
“What?!” Kristen and Jay both cried out and stood up.
“Miss Ghelager, no offense, but are you out of your mind?” Kristen asked angrily. “In what world ruled by aliens with spikes instead of brains would I ever start a family with this guy?”
I started laughing again.
“What can I say, in the same world where you’d be able to satisfy a man,” replied Jay irritably.
Kristen let out an angry breath and threw herself at Jay. Her gesture surprised me, and I couldn’t stop laughing, then I noticed Harris’s gaze set on me, and I pinched my mouth shut. His smile was staggering.
“There’s no point in arguing, the pairs will stay as I’ve named them,” the teacher spoke, even though she couldn’t suppress her laughter, while Jay and Kristen were about to come to blows.
“Then if you will excuse us, I have to calm my pretend wife down,” Jay resigned from under Kristen.
V laughed too, even though Jay was her boyfriend. I saw them kiss a couple times. Jay grabbed Kristen by the waist and locked her in place, giving her a menacing look.
“Does this mean I’m your mistress from now on?” V continued to laugh.
Jay wiggled his eyebrows obscenely and Kristen pretended to throw up.
“Bolton with Brown, Sherman with Hale, Stone with Wrise…”
My face fell to the floor, but I still had a chance to escape.
“Which Wrise?!” I asked quickly, interrupting the teacher, and I noticed Harris’ curious look.
“Hmm…” the teacher looked at the paper in confusion. “Oh, right, there are two Wrises. So, John Dubber with Amber Wrise and Harris Stone with Katherine Wrise,” she seemed to disagree as she read, for God knows what reason. “I could have sworn I had a Wrise with Ruxon,” she whispered, frowning.
Harris gave Ty a quick glance, who in turn blinked back.
A knot tightened in my throat and a vein threatened to burst in my neck. I ran my hands through my hair and noticed Harris’ devilish grin.
“Miss Ghelager, please, it can’t be. Harris is my boyfriend, please, switch the pairs.”
I lifted my head and turned to Amber, who seemed to have finally found her voice again.
V was the first to laugh.