Page 9 of Beloved Charmer

They entered the ballroom, and Evan saw the impressive-looking man standing not far from the door. He walked over to them when they arrived. The instant read that Evan got on the man was that he was good a very good man.

His strength and his authority were considerable very much like Master Hadden, although Evan sensed mystical energy from Marek whereas Hadden had universal energy like a legacy. Marek was capable and he didn’t doubt the man could teach him everything he needed to know about being the Charmer.

"Evan, this is Marek, and Marek, this is Evan McCormick, my beloved." Evan felt empowered by the title and stood a little taller when he took Marek's hand in a quick shake.

"Pleased to meet you." He said, and Marek reciprocated. He noticed that Marek was watching him. His eyes, which appeared to be many colors, were roiling and changing and looking right through him. He then shifted his gaze to Conrad with a pleasant smile.

“I’ll take good care of him Conrad come back in a couple of hours. I need Evan’s full and undivided attention. You know that he is safe with me.” Conrad said nothing for a few seconds and then turned to Evan and pulled him into a full body hug which Evan did not mind at all. The touch of this man went far to ease his heart and mind.

"You will be well guarded, and you can trust Marek." Conrad then bent and took Evan's lips in a brief yet firm and distinctly proprietary kiss. Evan loved his kisses and loved theway he made him feel. He felt his heart beating rapidly and his body heating up. This was marvelous, and he so wished that they had the time and were alone.

"We will continue this later, my love." He pulled back and slowly let his hands drop to his sides. "I'll return in two hours." He said to Marek and then turned to Evan. "If you need me call me I won’t be far away.”

“Thank you, Conrad.” Evan watched him leave feeling a distinct flattening of his mood and then turned to face Marek. The man was studying him again he could feel the energy of his stare as it took in every aspect of his mind, body and spirit. The Cyprian was very thorough.

He gestured for Evan to follow him, and they walked toward the center of the room. Marek was dressed casually and yet he still appeared regal some people just exude class and confidence. Evan stood straight and tried to hold his own under the scrutiny of this man. He wished Conrad was still with him.

"I'm not judging you, Evan. I'm just getting an understanding of your abilities and your inner strength. Both of which are necessary to carry out the mission you've been given." Marek stood in front of him slightly to his left and reached out, encircling the bracelet with his hand.

“I’m going to remove this and we’re going to see what happens.” Marek kept his eyes locked with Evan’s holding him immobile while he broke the clasp with the presser of his grip and slipped the bracelet from his wrist.

Evan waited for the flash and burn to swamp the room which was always the case whenever the bracelet had been removed in the past, but it didn’t happen this time. Instead, a wave of energy soft as a breeze wafted over them and throughoutthe room and beyond. Marek closed his eyes and seemed to be immersing himself in it.

Evan always enjoyed the feeling of release that came when the bracelet was removed but of course the initial burn was never pleasant. “Every other time there was a flash and burn sensation that everyone felt. The room would light up bright orange that would then turn to blue and fade out. I felt it too initially and then I’d feel a sense of release and tranquility after.”

Marek took a few steps back and tossed the bracelet away. Evan watched it skid across the floor and impact the wall. It wasn't in a condition to ever be put back on, and he wondered what the plans were.

“There was no flash and burn because there is no magic in the area. The level of reaction is based on the volume and potency of the magics present.” That was the same thing Conrad had told him.

"I've never experienced this before, only ever the burn."

"You lived with magics, so that's not surprising." Marek crossed his arms on his chest and began a volley of questions. All were reasonable considering what they were dealing with, but Evan wanted to get to the training and get it over with because he was seriously missing Mr. Conrad Smith.

Their time on the couch was filling his thoughts and he couldn’t wait to take it further and hopefully Conrad was feeling the same way. His instincts told him he was. He shut down the daydreaming and turned his attention back to Marek.

“If there are no magics present, then your energy is simply energizing.” He smiled. The bracelet caused a backup of the force within you and then when removed it rushed out in an obvious and tangible wave. Without the bracelet you will experience a more measured release unless there are magicsnear and then the effect will be based on the size and force of that magic.”

“Makes sense.” He remarked. “How does all this translate into what Master Hadden is calling the Charmer?”

“You’ve never heard of a Charmer? Your family has never referred to such powers?”

“No, never. They’ve called me a disrupter, but the word Charmer was never used. I don’t think they were aware of it.”

"Charmers are ancient beings who have the power to put down the great evils of magics and casters, not just the minor wiccans and their little spells but also the ferocious, hungry conjuring of the most powerful in the world of magics." That sounded impressive, and Evan wondered how such a strength and capability existed within him. He was seriously concerned that perhaps they had the wrong man for the job and that they had been misled.

"The power that you experience now is a small portion of what a Charmer can do. They were plentiful in the Middle and Dark Ages when people were desperate and bartered power was all the rage. There was darkness; it was an evil unlike what they had known before. It was stronger and grew, taking control as it moved through an area. The Charmers were raised to do battle." This sounded to Evan like a fairy tale or legend.

"They were average villagers or nobles. From the poor to the rich and entitled, the Charmers were chosen. They beat back the blight of evil and freed people from the curses set down." Marek had lived through this he was speaking from an eyewitness point of view which was incredible.

"They died out over time as the evil darkness and the dangers receded, and their influence was no longer needed. It's been centuries since a Charmer was known to exist, and nowthere is you. The worst of the magics is rising once again, and so are the Charmers." He turned to Evan and reached out his left palm forward. He was feeling for something, feeling the air, and Evan could see small sparks from his palm and from Evan's chest. "The Charmer is within you, Evan, just waiting to be called forth."

“Why can’t a Cyprian Knight banish the darkness growing in the Hadden Center? I know some of what you are and what you can do.” That question has been bothering him.

“Cyprians do not have command of all the elements and the supernatural as does a Charmer. A hex or an old world curse that combines forces that are beyond our capabilities. We can handle the individual or the horde, but not when the forces of nature and the supernatural are called down and fettered in a manner not seen in over seven hundred years." Marek spoke of horrific things, and yet he did it calmly and matter-of-fact. This was so much to take in.

"You'll do fine Evan the universe has prepared you for this." Again, he sounded so confident. Evan took a deep breath and flexed his grip, appreciating that the bracelet was finally off.

"That thing hasn't been off in years." Evan pointed to the bracelet lying next to the far wall. His mind was filled with so much that between discovering that Conrad was his Fated match and being called a latent Charmer, he wondered what was coming next.