Page 10 of Beloved Charmer

"You never have to wear it again. It serves no purpose for your destiny. You've been chosen, and you are part of the bloodline of old." He patted Evan on the shoulder. "The time for Charmers to once again rise up and defend the world has begun, and you are the first."


Conrad forced himself to leave that room as everything inside of him was shouting for him to not leave his vulnerable beloved's side. He was making his way to the dining hall for a cup of coffee when Micheal came up beside him. "Come with me, Conrad."

Micheal took him to one of the surveillance rooms on the second floor. "You can keep an eye on Evan from here. You won't be able to hear what is spoken, but you will be able to ease your mind and know that he is okay and being treated properly." Michael queued up the ballroom on the screen, and just like that, his beloved came into the frame looking utterly ravishing.

“Thank you, sir.” Conrad took a seat and felt his body begin to relax now that he could see Evan and assess his wellbeing. It was bizarre but just that short separation had left him anxious and irritated and now after laying eyes on Evan he felt like himself again.

"Don't try to figure it out, Conrad. I never could." Michael told him as if reading his mind. "They are our other half, our Fated partners in life, and they fill our every emotional thought and need. Until you've completed the bond, it will justget steadily worse." Michael laughed and patted Conrad's upper arm.

“I believe it.” Conrad stated. “Since I met him the burn in my soul has just gotten hotter and hotter and my mind will focus on nothing but his wellbeing.” He felt out of control and highly focused at the same time.

"It's all worth it." He noticed a serene look fill Micheal's features. "Cole has made my life so full, and Evan will be everything that you need." Conrad had no doubt that Evan was his ideal match; Fate was never wrong.

Just looking at the gorgeous man and having spent time with him left Conrad feeling blessed. It was Evan’s current circumstances that caused the fear and uncertainty in his heart and mind.

“I know you worry for him, but Fate brought you together at this point in time because she knew that he needed you.” Michael’s words were welcome and helped him calm his fears.

“They’re asking so much of him.”

“It will work out, Conrad. He has you and all of the Hadden Coven backing him up.”

“Yes he does.” Conrad relaxed and cleared his head. Micheal was right Evan couldn’t have better support that what he will get at the Hadden Coven.

Michael left, and Conrad settled in. The monitor provided a clear picture of what was taking place in the ballroom but with no sound. It didn't matter since Conrad was able to read Evan's emotions well.

Evan was unsure and tensing up until Marek broke the bracelet from his wrist and tossed it away. The relief that Evan felt was palatable, as was the rush of energy that filled the room.Evan was powerful, which was certainly made clear, and now he just needed to learn how to take control and focus that power. Conrad was in the surveillance room for well over an hour when he received a message to meet with Master Hadden in his office.

Evan was safe he told himself. Conrad was aware there was no danger while he was in the company of Marek but still it was hard to pull his eyes away from the screen and leave the room. When he entered the Master’s office Killian was also present.

"Sit down, Conrad." Master Hadden gestured to a chair in front of his desk. Killian was seated off to the side to Conrad's right.

"Evan McCormick is your beloved, and as such, I wish to keep you fully informed of our actions and the changing aspects of the situation that we are all in." The Master made his opening statement and Conrad braced himself to remain calm no matter what he might hear.

There was nothing to be gained by losing his shit in front of the Master and Killian. If he had his way, he would grab his beloved and run until he couldn't run any further, but that was not possible.

“If I were you, I'd want to run too." Master Hadden commented, having heard his thoughts.

“I realize the difficult position that you were placed in, and I want to assure you that we will do everything to keep your young man safe. But with that said, he is our only hope to clear the Hadden Center of the curse.” He stood and walked around the desk and took a seat in the chair next to Conrad.

The closeness brought comfort and helped to further relax the tensing he hadn't realized was taking him over. His Master understood what he was feeling, but this had to be done.His beloved was their only possibility of release from the evil that had taken over the Center and was slowly moving through the city and beyond.

"I understand, sir, but it doesn't make it easy," Conrad responded truthfully.

"No, it doesn't." He acknowledged. Silence fell for a few seconds, and then the subject changed. "Earlier, Killian warned that the one called Manfred was destined to be a problem, and it appears that he was spot on with his prediction." Killian remained silent and did not comment.

"Evan said much the same after I took him to my quarters. He told me that Manfred was not going to give up." Conrad interjected, and he noticed Killian give a slight nod.

“We know now that he was grooming Evan for his own ends. Manfred was well aware of Evan’s latent powers and intended to be the one to control the young man.”

“How did you find out?”

"The Toronto Kindred contacted us, not wanting to get on our bad side, as they put it. They didn't wish to be blamed for his actions or behaviors."

“They should have controlled him. What are they, simpletons? A kindred is supposed to have power over their numbers.” Conrad remarked sharply.

"They decided it was easier to make him our problem, and yes, they are simpletons," Killian stated plainly.