Page 8 of Beloved Charmer

“Did he remove the bracelet himself?”

“No, he’s a magic so he had the maid remove it.”

“Why is it that you believe the problem was because they were paranormal and not because they were magics?” Conrad asked the obvious question.

“Manfred said they were affiliated with the bank and were meeting with Sedric in regard to the renovations he was planning. He said they were not magics, just vampires." Evan began to figure it out.

"You believed him, a man like Manfred?" Evan continued to hold eye contact, but he stepped away slightly, with Conrad still holding Evan's upper arms.

"They didn't act like the others who were magics. They didn't show pain. They just seemed low-key uncomfortable, like a bad vibe was felt. They didn't act like magics, so I believed Manfred's explanation." Evan was justifying his belief but appeared to be questioning as well.

"Magic is a spectrum. Not all are steeped in darkness, but all have touched the darkness." He decided to go with the basics and be as clear as possible. "Magics, unlike sorcerers or mystics, have to barter for their power, and that is done through contact with the lower realms. Such contact always leaves a mark no matter how slight, and the power that you possess picks up on all darkness no matter how slight." He didn't completely grasp Evan's ability, but he had a good idea of how it worked.

"The worst of the bunch, the hard cases like the casters, I assume, react intensely, whereas someone not deep into the practice may simply be uncomfortable. You scrub out all darkness and evil, all magics, no matter how small. The vampires obviously were involved with magics, and you tore it away." Evan listened and thought for a moment before responding.

“I don’t know Conrad.” He said finally and was obviously agitated so Conrad gently pulled him back into a loose embrace just channeling warmth and peace.

"We'll work it out, so don't stress over something that may not be a problem. I'll take care of it, and I'll take care of you."

"Where did you come from, Conrad? How is it that you're here with me saying everything I need to hear, and I believe you?" He was relaxed now but still unsure.

“Fate sent me, my love. Couples come together when they need each other the most.” Conrad wanted to kiss him so badly, but the time wasn’t right, and he wouldn’t push for more than Evan could handle. The poor man was overwhelmed as it was, and he didn’t need to put more upon him.

"I hope you're genuine, and I hope your theories are correct. Thank you for helping me out and staying close. I know a little about the supernatural bond between a vampire and their beloved, but I don’t know everything.” Evan shifted the subject back to their connection. “I like the together forever idea.”

"I like it too, and we have time, my love," Conrad assured. "I will teach you everything you need to know."

Evan chuckled. "I'm a bit slow, so it may take me a while to catch on." That sounded like something Manfred had told him, and Conrad was freshly infuriated.

"There is no rush, my love, and you are as smart and quick as anyone I know."

“Thank you, Conrad.” Evan pressed his face onto Conrad’s chest once again and began breathing deeply. He was finding there was a benefit to being close to his beloved and being covered in his scent. It was instinctual and as their timetogether grew longer the need for more contact and a deeper connection would grow.

Their time together on the couch earlier allowed Conrad to taste his beloved and pushed their bond further. The draw was getting stronger, and he could see Evan's need and desire shining in his eyes, and it was beautiful.


“Marek is on his way, sir.” Michael, one of Nik's security specialists, informed him.

"Good, we need Evan trained as soon as possible. The longer we wait, the stronger that thing becomes." Nik walked over to the large window in his office and looked out onto the city sprawled out in front of him.

"I called the Mountain Lodge this morning, and Josef informed me that the dark magic had begun seeping out of the city. It's following a path through the lowlands and is heading in the direction of the mountains. "The Allegheny Dragon Circle has been assisting us and has taken measures to stop or at least interrupt its progress in hopes the Charmer will be successful."

"He's young, but he possesses the powers and influence of a Charmer of old. Charmers were tasked to contain horrors during the Middle Ages, so their abilities must be fearsome.” Micheal's interpretation of the situation was exactly what Nik needed, and he was right a Charmer was fearsome. Evan McCormick was much more than just the vulnerable little man that Killian found in the back shed. He had the soul of a Charmer.

“Marek is waiting for you in the ballroom.” Conrad stated. “He will be training you and aiding you in accessing your abilities.” Evan sensed that Conrad was uneasy, and Evan felt his own confidence shaking. “Marek is a Cyprian Knight he will prepare you Evan he is a mighty defender of the innocent, and he has vanquished many magics and occultist.”

Evan nodded but remained seated even as Conrad stood and held out his hand to him. They'd sat together drinking coffee and discussing many things, personal and situational, and although he felt he had a better grasp on what was expected of him, he still felt at a disadvantage.

Evan took his hand and allowed Conrad to pull him to his feet. "Come, I will take you to him." Again, Evan nodded. Evan knew more than he admitted as far as his ability to counteract the power of magics. He'd been used as a weapon against other magics in the Toronto area by Sedric and Manfred. The title Charmer had never been used before, but from what Conrad had explained, it sounded a lot like what he was already doing.

“I feel the pressure of everyone’s hope and expectation.” He didn’t know what he wanted Conrad to do about it he just wanted to vent. They stepped into the elevator and Conrad took him into his arms which he found soothed him better than words. He held him and Evan absorbed the man’s scent and his strength and suddenly he didn’t feel quite as vulnerable.

“Cyprian Knights battle the darkness in all forms.” Evan commented. He overheard Sedric and Manfred discussing them a while back. They worried about having them so close in Pittsburgh and having the Toronto activities perhaps ending up on their radar.

"The Cyprians are powerful, but so are you," Conrad spoke, his tone heavily laden with emotion.

“I’ll be okay.” Evan squeezed him tight, and Conrad reciprocated. The doors opened and they remained like that for a few seconds before exiting the elevator. Conrad kept his hand on Evan’s back and stuck very close to him.