“Sounds wonderful.” Walker nestled his face against Nik’s throat as he was carried away.
Sedric was just going to let Evan go and not pursue it, but Manfred had other ideas and plans. He'd spent too much time and energy grooming that young man to simply let him walk away. Evan was an untapped source of power that Manfredintended to use for his own purpose, and he wasn’t going to let a group of vampires from Pittsburgh get in his way and ruin everything.
Manfred spent years breaking that boy’s spirit in preparation for taking control and although he was still stubborn the fear he’d instilled would work in his favor. Evan would knuckle under he always did. He was experiencing his own power at the moment, but Manfred would knock that out of him. He wouldn’t get away Manfred would make sure of that.
Sedric never understood Evan and would have allowed him to simply exist in his own time and space. He spoke of sending him away and washing his hands of the strange boy, but there were greater things ahead for young Evan, and Manfred planned to be the one calling the shots.
“Forget about him Manfred he will not return after the vampires release him if indeed they do release him. I don’t care about him, never have and neither should you.” Sedric droned. “Leave him to find his own way. He has always hated us and we’re better off with him gone and besides the vampires paid us handsomely for him.” Manfred was aghast at Sedric’s lack of awareness.
"He belongs to me, Sedric, and I plan to have him back, and I don't care what they paid." Manfred's words were harsh and biting. "With a weapon like Evan, there is little I won't be able to achieve. No one understands him and his potential the way I do."
"He's simply a disruptor, and he will do you as much damage as he will do anyone else. I should have gotten rid of him away years ago." Sedric countered Manfred's claims, not aware that Manfred had made these plans for Evan long ago and had, for years, been working toward their completion.Every punishment, every put down, every humiliation, and every demeaning chore was designed to make the boy subservient.
"He is so much more than that, Sedric." Manfred nailed him with a deadly stare. "He has an ability buried deep within him that no one has tapped into. The vampires will pull it out of him and give him the training to use it just as I had planned to do."
"What power? All he can do is fuck up the magics, which is not beneficial to us or our kindred. Let the vampires deal with him. I would have preferred Landon or Wren getting the recognition for saving the coven, but that is not to be the case." Sedric and Manfred were not seeing eye to eye.
"Fuck you and the kindred." Manfred snarled and started pacing the room. "The vampires knew about Evan; they knew he was special, and they came and took him. He's mine, Sedric, and I don't give a shit that he hates me. Actually, that makes it all the better because I thrive on hate. He’s going to answer to me and no one else. I am his lord and Master, and he knows it."
"You're delusional, Manfred," Sedric shouted.
"And you're blind, Sedric." He spat the words and left, slamming the door behind him. He was on his way to Pittsburgh.
Conrad received a call from Master Hadden asking him to bring Evan to the club's main ballroom. The room was large and open, with plenty of space to practice whatever Evan needed to learn. The thought of Evan going into the Hadden Center was still a very sore spot for Conrad. It didn't seem fair that someone as delicate and innocent as his beloved should be tasked with such a responsibility. He understood that Evan had the ability,but looking at his sweet beloved, it seemed impossible that he could perform such a dangerous task.
He managed to convince Evan to eat a little, but the man had very little appetite, and Conrad couldn't blame him. He had a lot on his mind, as did everyone else, but Evan needed to keep up his strength and be well-rested for what lay ahead.
Evan was washing up and changing into some fresh clothing before meeting with Master Hadden and Marek who would be completing his training. Conrad had sent for some things for him since he was taken from his home with just the clothes on his back. When Evan exited the guestroom and entered the living room where Conrad was seated he looked refreshed and ready but still held an uneasiness in his eyes.
"You look great." Conrad commented, feeling the need to praise his beautiful beloved. Conrad went for comfort for his beloved and chose dark blue track pants and a crisp white tee along with top of the line running shoes. "Is everything to your liking?" Conrad asked, and Evan nodded.
Conrad stood, walked across the room, and placed his hand on Evan's upper arm. He needed the contact, and Evan seemed to need it too, for he stepped very willingly into Conrad's embrace. He was seeking reassurance and grounding from Conrad, which was natural between Fated pairs.
"You give me comfort," Evan stated and leaned in to press himself to Conrad's chest. "I can read people, but I can't read you; instead, I feel you in my heart." Evan took a deep breath and then another. "Your scent calms me, and I don't know why."
"What are you asking me?" Conrad wanted to know where his thoughts were before making any comments or disclosures. Evan continued to lean into him but looked up to capture his gaze.
“It seemed like I knew you the second that you entered the room.” He began. “I was there with all those strangers, and I was worried. I didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t know what they wanted from me but as soon as I saw you I relaxed. The fear drained away, and I knew I was going to be alright. Then you came up behind me and put your hand on my shoulder a calm stillness washed over me."
"I knew you too," Conrad told him softly and reached up to cup the side of his face. "I thought you were beautiful, and I feared for your safety even though I knew all the men surrounding you and knew they would not hurt you. I had to get closer in case you needed me, and the urge to touch you was too much to ignore."
“Am I your beloved, Conrad? Everything would make sense if I were.”
“Yes.” Conrad didn’t elaborate but rather pulled him flush against his chest and tucked Evan’s head under his chin. They stood like that for several minutes as each let the reality of the situation sink in. He could sense that Evan was struggling with the revelation, and it wasn’t long before he told him why.
“I can’t stay here with you Conrad I can’t live in a coven. My energy is not conducive to the supernatural and to vampires. I’ll bother your people, and you won’t want me here. I upset everyone that I meet.” The quiet intensity of his words was upsetting.
That was not what Conrad wanted to hear. He was pleased when Evan figured out their connection and thought his knowledge of the paranormal would work in their favor. But now he realized his knowledge was stilted and curated by his hateful family. They kept him afraid to reach out or expect help and amplified his differences as being unacceptable.
"The only people you upset are those that deserve to be upset," Conrad stated emphatically. "You are no danger to my people. Vampires are not that delicate. Who told you that your presence is uncomfortable to others? Whoever it was, they are full of shit." He wanted to drive home the truth as forcefully as possible since Evan had probably been fed this garbage for years.
"I know that I'm here to clear out the Hadden Center, but I don't expect to continue to remain here, and that's okay, I understand." Evan continued in the same vein as if he hadn't heard a word that Conrad said.
"You're not going home; it's not safe there for you, and you're not leaving me. I don't know how much you know about being a beloved, but the connection is considered sacred among my people. Our bond was Fated destiny, and you are welcome here." Conrad was irate at the lies that Evan had been fed by his family and by that one called Manfred, no doubt.
"This is bullshit. You are not a bad influence, and no one with a proper heart and spirit is bothered by you." Conrad could see in his expression that he wasn't completely accepting what Conrad was trying to get across to him, but he was trying.
"Manfred showed me." He tried to explain himself. "He removed my bracelet and demonstrated to me what would happen. There were several vampires in the living room, and as soon as the bracelet was gone, they started reacting. It wasn't anything much, not like when I rid an area of magics, but they were clearly uncomfortable and needed to leave. Manfred said I have that effect on all paranormal beings, not just those with magics." Evan was beginning to look unsure of the information he'd been given, which was a good sign.