He rubbed my cheek better and kissed me. I’ve never kissed someone from an upside-down position. His nose was almost in my cleavage. He still tasted like me. The possessive side of me like that.
Two’s thrusts grew fast again. The slap of skin heightened my arousal. I was so close. “I can feel you clamping down on my cock. Show me how good you are and come for me again. Soak me, little mouse.” The hands holding my wrist let go and pinched my nipples at the same time my clit was caressed by One. I shot to fucking outer space. I came so hard I blacked out during my orgasm. I had no idea how long it lasted. All I knew was that I didn’t fucking care.
Icame back down to earth after an unknown amount of time.
“You’re so beautiful,” One said as he ran his hands through my hair.
I leaned into his touch. Even if I couldn’t see these guys, they were my favorite people on this Earth right now.
“You did so well, little mouse. Your perfect pussy made me come so hard. Can you feel that tight little pussy dripping with my cum?”
I nodded. My breaths were still heavy, but the darkness was completely gone. I didn’t feel like killing anymore. My bloodlust felt like it was never there. I was at peace. Strange how giving over control could do that? It wasn’t my normal thing, but I wanted to do it again.
Before I could tell them how much I appreciated their work, a lite chiming sounded around the room. Our time was up. These men must work in hour increments.
I went to remove my blindfold, but hands stopped me. “No. It’ll be better if you earned the right to take this off, little mouse,” he said and nipped my chin. He was making me horny all over again.
“Okay,” I whispered. I liked the rules and if we did this a couple more times, I’d trust them.
I really needed that again. To be able to trust a lover. Or, in this case, lovers. It would be even better than before, there were no attachments here. I didn’t have to worry about them falling in love. Or, more importantly, my life coming around to bite them in the ass. The death sentence for those who stood at my side wouldn’t affect them, and I could get what I needed to stay sane.
My toes tingled with excitement at the thought of not having to care about these guys but still get what I needed.
However, I didn’t trust my bed partners yet, so my other senses were on high alert once my orgasm haze vanished. They soothed me in a way that wasn’t natural for me, but I needed it right now. The rest of the world seemed to disappear.
I felt and heard every movement, though. One still touched me. He liked to worship a female’s body it seemed. Two was getting dressed. His belt made a jingling noise when he put on his pants.
I focused on their breathing the most, though. There was a sound a person made before they killed someone. It didn’t matter if they were a professional or not. It was like a short intake of breath, but death stole the last of your oxygen.
Nothing strange.
One got up but quickly returned. A wipe was pressed between my legs, cleaning me. They even made it cold to help stop infections. Sweet. Sex was fun, but it was also messy and dirty. I never see the clean-up in movies.
He kissed my thigh before speaking, “I’m sad that we can’t continue, but I’ll have more time on your next visit.”
Fingers still ran through my hair. “I can’t wait. This was fucking delicious.” If we grew in our trust, I hoped they let me bite them. It would be beautiful. He kissed me. “We’re going to dress you now.” I nodded. I had a bag in the room for meto change into. I told them where to find it. Dressing me was different, but I liked the care they took with me. Hands caressed my body. As they put on my undies and then leggings.
“Do you want your bra on?”
I shook my head. I didn’t want to be wrapped in that torture device right now. My body was way too relaxed.
“I’ll give you my shirt.”
They helped me slip into the soft t-shirt. Again, I was almost panting with anticipation. Whoever thought a rose trailing down their body like I saw in movies was sexy had never experienced this before. When the fabric grazed my nipples, I moaned.
“My scented shirt looks good on you, little mouse.”
My head canted to the side in curiosity. Now that my mind wasn’t so muddled, my brain could actually process things and that faint recognition tickled my brain. Where had I heard that tone before? Weird, but I let it go.
They slipped on my boots as well.
My heart raced as I waited to find out what happened next. Not trusting them yet soured the arrangement slightly, but I was eager for them to gain that trust.
“Alright, it’s time for us to go.” Two kissed my forehead. I ate up the affection like the sweetest candy.