Page 61 of The Blood Widow

A noise came from the doorway before they left the bed. Who the hell was this? I sucked in a sharp breath as the door opened. My hand moved to remove my blindfold.

“Alpha! Alpha! The vampires are here. They’re demanding your presence,” a frightened male voice said.

In a microsecond, my brain whirled. The growling, little mouse, and Alpha… Oh, fuck no.But he didn’t smell like a shifter.I ripped my blindfold off and cried out at what I saw. All of the good feelings vanished in an instant. My stomach turned and humiliation burned me from the inside out. How dare they. How fucking dare they!

I zoomed off the bed and away from Ezra and fucking Dominic.

“No, no, no, no.” I clenched the stupid, soft shirt over my heart.

Ezra’s natural gray eyes flashed in anger as he barked at the guy to get out.Dominic turned his red eyes to me, his features strained. “Wait, let us explain,” he pleaded with me. He ran his hand through his black slicked-back hair.

The door opened again, and Cole stepped in. A sheepish glint to his eyes. “Please don’t be mad. You needed help and we weren’t going to let anyone else touch you.”

Ezra growled. “No one touches you but us. If you need a release or some kind of fantasy fulfilled, you come to us.”

He grabbed my chin. “Got it.”

The rage in me exploded out of me like a tsunami. I smacked his hand away and slammed my knee between his legs. He dropped to the ground holding his groan.

I pointed at them. “Fuck you! You think you can take the choice away from me? You might end up dying now.” I shouted at them and called on my portal magic. The energy in the room crackled with my fury. “No more.”

I knew what I had to do. I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn’t, but the deaths were too much.

These men had stopped the darkness for a moment, but it was back and furious.

“We’re done.” I scowled at Cole. The betrayal was worse coming from him. “We’re not even friends anymore, stay away from me, or you’ll regret it.”

Cole clutched his chest as if he was having a heart attack. Good, I wanted him to feel the pain. He could die at my feet.

Dominic’s bare tattooed chest was firm and toned as he and Ezra barreled toward me. If I wasn’t so pissed off, I could enjoyit. Instead, I just hated him even more. That chest had felt great pressed against me.

Neither was going to be fast enough, though.

Ezra’s nostrils flared as he spoke, “Wait, I promise it—” I didn’t hear the rest of his excuse.

I didn’t give a shit. Those assholes thought they could trick me and take my choice away? I was going to make them regret the day they met me. They had no idea who they were messing with. I’m the motherfucking Blood Widow. I kill men for fun. They had no idea what hell I was about to rain down on them, but they were going to soon enough.



My time in the sex club usually calmed me, but the betrayal set me back. I was worse off than before. I couldn’t think properly. My feet kept me moving aimlessly. If I sat down my heart would race until I was on the verge of a panic attack.

I didn’t just let two kids die, which was bad enough to give me nightmares for a while, I also lost my only hope at fixing my life. The vampires were going to find me. Then the others would soon after. I was too hated in the underworld for them not to. I had to leave and go on the run. Once the vamps had my magical signature, I would never be safe. They would always find me.

And to top it all off, I was alone. I didn’t trust Bell at the moment. The kids’ deaths too fresh in my mind. She’d allowed them to be taken. Said the seers saw it as the only option for a positive outcome. The men I was falling for betrayed me. Beaut was MIA. I just fucking felt alone. I had other rings, but I didn’t want to get any of my other friends involved.

But there was a way to fix most of the mistakes, and I was going to risk insanity to do it. I may not have the power to fix them all, and I promised myself I would never do this again, butI needed the win. I needed to save those kids and make sure I never went into that sex club again.

Fury made my blood boil. I landed in a storage unit that was guarded from all magic except my own. I thought I’d never use what was in this room again. The crates and boxes were filled with memories of the darker times in my life. When I leaned on my demon magic to help me. I found out quickly that the magic from that side of me was dark and unnatural. Nothing good could came from the demonic spell book I took from the box I’d locked it away in.

The room seemed to darken as the power from the black leather book increased now that it was free. My magic rippled along my skin in response. I was hesitant, but my demon side wasn’t. The darkness of the demon called to the darkness of the magic. I hoped I remembered enough to do what I needed to.

I gathered up some black candles, my cauldron, and a few ingredients that I would need. “This has to work. If I can go back in time, I can stop this from happening.”

My mind whirled. I tried once before, and it was a mistake. I attempted to go back several years to stop NAO from using me and making me kill innocent people, but the magic drove me insane. I was trapped in a coma-like state while my demon ran amuck in my body. Thankfully, I was in the middle of nowhere when I did the spell, so there weren’t many casualties.

“This time could work because I just need to go back a couple of days,” I said out loud to convince myself.