No. My magic wouldn’t be that crappy to me. Right?
His grumbling voice answered, “Rose, we don’t have a choice. We don’t know who she is. She may be here to kill you.”
Freakin’ fairy farts. It was them, the Alpha’s daughter’s name was Rose. Should I tell them the truth?
No. Nobody in this world did anything for free. They wouldn’t believe me.
If you used your name, they might.My inner voice chided. The Blood Widow was known for helping abused women. Mostly for killing bad men… they’d never believe an assassin just popped by on accident. Telling them the truth was out.
“No, Dad, there must be another way.” She paused as colors came back to me. Now, everything was blurry, like I needed some thick glasses. “What about the new witch you hired? Can’t she do a spell or potion?”
Ugh. Damn her. I didn’t like her anymore. Witches could definitely do that and so much more. Powerful witches couldcontrol minds or spill all of a person’s secrets. I wasn’t weak-minded, so she’d have to be extra strong. I squared my shoulders and ground my teeth together.
The man cupped her face and kissed her on the head. At least that was what the blurry forms looked like they were doing.
“I forgot about her.” He hugged his daughter. “You’ll be a good Alpha someday.” He stepped away from her and gestured towards the door. “Get Rebekkah. Tell her what’s going on.”
“Yes, Sir,” a man next to me said.
I was screwed. If they figured out who I was, they’d turn me in. It wouldn’t matter if I’d helped them or not. I knew too big of a secret, and a billion-dollar reward for the Blood Widows' capture was hard to turn down. The fucking Sinisters were bitches for that one.
Money still held some sway, at least in big chunks like that. I attacked one meth lab that was selling to children, and they put a bounty on me. Bunch of pricks. I couldn’t let them figure out my identity. I wasn’t dying tonight.
My vision was almost back to normal by the time the witch arrived. Her soft footsteps were undetectable on the ground, but her thyme-and-cardamom scent was strong in the air, probably from working on a spell. I was no expert, but Bell had taught me a thing or two. Those two mixed together were for luck and wisdom. I used cardamom for a long time after going on the run. It was for clarity, courage, direction, and wisdom. I needed it to guide me once I was on my own.
I kept my head down to make sure no one would notice my eyes. The foggy whiteness would be gone by now.
The swishing of her clothes stopped at my side. I wish my black hair wasn’t in a braid, so it could hide my face.
What could I do to get out of here? My blood magic would kill them, so that was a no. My portal magic didn’t listen to shit I said. Telekinesis? Move them away? It’d hurt but wouldn’t kill them. I hoped.
A chair creaked, and the Alpha spoke. “Thank you for coming. What are you able to do to help?” He really had a great voice. The rumble he put into certain words was so animalistic. It spoke to the darkness inside of me.
Her black shoes shuffled when he was done speaking. He must affect her as well, despite her older age. I could only tell her age because her hands were wrinkled with brown spots. The rest of her body was in a purple robe like a nun’s.
“I’m a mind speaker, I can do just about anything,” was all she said. And it was enough. Luck wasn’t on my side today.
She didn’t need spells or potions. Mind witches were some of the most powerful because they could rummage through people’s heads. The price was steep, so most didn’t practice. From what Bell told me they had to pay a price for their magic, but they got to choose it. Some of their memories or their energy? Who knew?
I didn’t care either way. I wasn’t letting the bitch touch me. Everyone had relaxed around me because I was complying, being a good girl. Too bad for them, I’ve never been a good girl. I thrashed in my chair until it fell backward, breaking the wood. They scattered in shock. Enough time to get myself free, but they’d come to their senses soon. So, I needed to be quick.
My arms were behind my back. I scooped them over my butt and under my legs. Running with your hands behind your back was stupid. It threw off your balance.
Thankfully, they hadn’t bound my legs. I popped up and darted for the window. The men finally snapped out of their shock. Wolves were fast, but vampires were faster. I ducked and spun as quick as I could away from all the hands that reached for me.
My heartbeat slammed in my eardrums. Adrenaline rose inside of me, demanding I get away. Death was an everyday possibility for someone that took on the baddies of the city, so I didn’t fear death. But my life didn’t matter as much as my friends did, and the witch would gain the knowledge to find them. If I had to die, then fine, but my friends didn’t deserve to die with me.
I was close enough to feel the cold seeping through the cracks of the window when a large body slammed into me. I hit the ground with his weight, pinning me onto the hardwood.
I flung out my telekinesis. Bodies flew away from me, but the one on top of me stayed put.
I sighed. The fucker had an amulet for the common vampire abilities. It wouldn’t work with my blood magic, but I wasn’t killing people, just trying to defend their family.
His body stayed on top of me, keeping me in place. My eyes locked onto a pair of gray ones. He looked so familiar now that I could clearly see him. He was rugged and enticing, yes, but it was the feeling of déjà vu that made me freeze instead of fighting my way to the window. His arms and hands were covered in tattoos. His sharp features were twisted with anger and pride. He was close, and his triumphant eyes were the perfect kind of cocky that I liked.