The creature watches me, standing there, examining me.

“Worthless,” he spits out before turning his back to me.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I was ready to express my thanks or something, but this guy is just fucking rude. I know I should shut up, but I just woke up from some type of poisoning coma, my mate is dead, and a few moments ago we were battling forces I couldn’t understand but who wanted my head. And this jerk just called me worthless.

“Your life wasn’t worth his sacrifice. Khal was my kin. You are nothing. All that matters is your blood. But your shell, it’s worthless.”

His face, which is already ugly as hell, cringes. He resembles a scary creature from the fucking pits of Hell.

“Listen, you have no idea what Khal meant to me. You have no right to talk to me like that.”

He turns his back to me and walks out of the room. I collapse, exhausted, against the pillows that smell like herbs and summer.

Mrez pushes open the door and walks back in.

“What was that about?” I ask.

“I’m sorry, Ivy. The Healer is a believer in the old ways.”

“Mrez, I nearly died three times in two days. Then I find out I’m part of some sort of secret organization. This feels like a bad movie. Tell me everything. I need to know. Please.”

Mrez sits down next to me and inhales deeply as his tentacles play with my hair. “We need to rally more of us to help us fight The Church of Light. Khal sacrificed himself not only because he loves you, but because you, my love, are important. If The Church of Light catches you, they can use your blood to destroy The Shadows and manipulate humanity, even enslave them. We need to destroy their Dark Church and make sure they can’t raise the crazy Dark Lord. This is our mission. Your mission.”

Our gazes melt into each other. There’s a certain sweetness between Mrez and me I can’t deny.

His lips press against mine and we melt into one. The energy that passes between us feels like a sun rising over the eternal darkness. His tentacles shoot from his back and move over my body. Mrez’s lips claim my mouth. His lips press against mine. His tongue slips into my mouth. Bliss fills me.

For the duration of the kiss, I forget about the pain that causes my body to ache and throb terribly. Being close to my guys fills me with passion and energy. They have a way to make everything else fade. The mix between the pain of losing Khal makes me realize how short life can be. I just found my guys again and I’ve already lost Khal, the one that makes my blood boil.

Mrez’s tentacle pushes my legs open. Just then, I realize I’m naked. My body is covered only by a few leaves here and there that stick to me with a paste that keeps them in place.

My mind races and my heart pumps like crazy.

Mrez kisses me deeply before his mouth slips lower to my neck. He knows exactly where to kiss me, the spot that makes me melt and call out in passion.

His tentacle slips inside my wet core and plays with my plump, aroused lips. My flesh shivers. Mrez; tentacles push me open, touching my entrance and my clit.

It’s my turn to grab his large shoulders and push him down on the bed. Feeling Mrez’s hard cock pressed between my legs makes my core ache for him. I need him then and there. I don’t care who can hear or see us. It’s just him and me.

“Hurt me, Ivy. I need pain.”

My lips rest on his throat and press hard. My teeth break his skin. Mrez’s blood touches my tongue, tasting like a mix of coffee and licorice. Mrez moans and shivers under me. His hardness grows longer. His cock feels like a knobbed tentacle that opens my entrance and pushes inside me, moving in me, touching my G spot as soon as he enters.

Being so wet from the kisses, I love the way it feels to be full, stuffed.

His other tentacles wrap me into a deep hug, massaging my ass and slapping me.

“Hurt me,” Mrez moans as he moves under me. His body feels as if it shifted from fluid to solid and back. Shadows engulf me as he pierces me deeper, taking me with him. The waves of the orgasm hit me hard and are all consuming. It’s almost too difficult to breathe as our bodies orgasm at once.

Mrez wraps himself around me and holds me close.


Draw’s voice breaks the moment. His large physique fills the room.

“Join us?” I ask, turned on as hell. I need to feel my guys inside me again.

“Not now. We must go.” His voice sounds sad, stern, and empty.