He swallows so hard his Adams apple bobs under my palm.
With a swift move, I force the doctor to sit on his desk, naked. His cock is still hard, damn thing. My claws move up and down his cock. He makes a sound of pleasure. I knew how potent an aphrodisiac fear can be. The doctor pushes his cock into my hand.
“You wanted to fuck my girl, the wrong girl, with that disgusting dick of yours? And now you’re enjoying my touches?”
“No. No. I mean… she wanted it. She asked me to.” He almost cries out the last sentence.
I see Ivy moving out of the corner of my eye. I have no time to play with my food. I need to finish him as soon as possible.
My palm closes around his cock. The nails dig into the skin around the root of his organ, cutting into the base.
“You’re such a disgusting creature.”
I rip off his disgusting worm of a dick. The good doctor cries out, his scream quickly muffling into crying and heavy breathing as he stares at the gouge where his cock used to be. Blood flows from the wound, flows across the desktop, and runs down the side where it forms a pool of blood on the floor
I sniff him again. The scent of blood is intoxicating. He’s human, not a mutt or a damn half-breed. He probably spent weeks conducting searches through the dark corners of the Internet until he stumbled upon The Church of Light. The Church of Light is very good when it comes to recruiting new members, something my own people should keep in mind. We’re Shadows and, as the name implies, we like to stay hidden and only reveal our existence to the few chosen ones, the ones with sight. Maybe, just maybe, if those fuckers from The Church of Light are recruiting people aggressively, maybe we should do that, too.
I lean close again, enjoying the scent of fear mixed with piss and blood. It’s like ambrosia.
“Mrez, where are you?”
I want to share this with someone. I’m not ready to do this alone. A long time has passed since I killed. And I know I will kill him for what he did to my girl.
A large worm the size of my thumb pushes its way through the gaping hole where the doctor’s cock used to be. It winds its way through the wound, licking the jagged flesh where his cock used to be. With each lick, the wound closes.
“Say, are you growing a new cock?” I ask with a laugh.
“Let me go.”
“Not until you tell me who else is part of this. Who knows of Ivy?”
The demented doctor laughs, a deep laugh that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Arrogance replaces the terror that filled his soul moments ago. He’s so deeply corrupted by the ideals of The Church of Light he’d kill, slice, and eat his own mother raw to gain an advantage and climb in their fucked-up hierarchy.
“We all know. I told the others. It doesn’t matter if you kill me. My spirit will get to The One and will be reborn, only stronger. We are Legion. The light shining from us will push you back into the pits of Hell.”
“I’m not going to start a religious discussion with you, worm. My species is as old as time and existed long before most religions left the muddled mud of their creators’ minds.”
“The Church of Light is going to get to Ivy. With her blood, they’ll raise The One, the true god that will free humanity from you all.”
“You’re such an embarrassment to humanity. Where are the others? Are they here? I need names.”
“I won’t give you anything, monster. But I was about to give Ivy what she begged for. My cock.” He spat the last part. I glance down and notice his cock laying on the floor, still twitching.
“The whore begged for it.” he says, almost spitting the words.
That’s too much for me. I allow the bloodlust and the need to protect Ivy to take over. Besides, he has no more information to squeeze from him, and I don’t want to keep him around.
For one second, my eyes lock on his and I try to see any humanity in him, anything worth saving. There’s nothing. Just a hollow space. Still holding him around his throat with my first right arm, I press the claw of my second right arm deeper and deeper into his chest. It enters the cavity with a wet sound and is greeted by warmth and drops of blood. My claw grows at my command until it reaches the tissue of his lung and penetrates it. The good doctor gasps as his body stiffens.
“I’m lung fucking you,” I snort.
The little asshole squirms and calls out obscenities. As warm blood fills his lungs and rises inside his windpipe, he coughs and chokes on his own blood. I only feel satisfied when the hot blood drips out of his chest onto my hands my claw pierces his beating heart. Dr. Martin twitches only final time. I throw him to the ground like a discarded doll.
With two of my hands dirty with blood, I kneel beside Ivy. She’s pale. Her long hair is spread around her like a crown of darkness. The left side of her face appears swollen. There’s blood on her lips and dripping from her mouth. Her breath is shallow and hitched. A small crease forms between her brows as she restlessly stirs. I have this urge to smooth it out.
My body craves hers. It’s ridiculous. I shouldn’t feel anything for her anymore, not now, not after I connected with Lisa. But the fact I’ve never physically bonded with Lisa is at fault. A connection between a Shadow and an anchor is only complete after they fuck.
Ivy is my only.