I waited in the elevator for a while. The last thing I want to see is Ivy fucking some dumb wit. Mrez goes to check on them and runs back a few seconds later, trying to convince me without words that I need to follow him and see what’s going on. I step out of the elevator and immediately smell a mix of pheromones and fear. Ivy’s fear.

Ivy’s fear would have made me hard as a rock if I had been the one making her shiver and bite her lips. Under no circumstances will I allow another person to scare my girl.

I hear fighting and a loud thud. After that, everything is silent. My breath catches in my throat. Is Ivy dead? No, she can’t be. If she’s dead that thin, silver thread connecting us would break and I’d inwardly bleed ink and poison.

Poor Mrez had done what he could to help Ivy, but he has only a small flicker of power to use against the evil that possesses the doctor. And I knew that Dr. Martin was possessed. I recognize the scent filling my nostrils. It has been a long time since I smelled a possessed one.

This crazy mofo is about to kill Ivy. That won’t happen on my watch. Every fiber of myself flickers to life. My chest is consumed by a bonfire. No one messes with my girl, only me and my brothers.

“Fuck you.” My roar is stronger than intended and I become flesh. I don’t intend to do so. Not yet. But again, such a long time has passed since I had a real body that feeling my physical strength again is exhilarating.

Walking past a window, I see my reflection. I’m almost seven feet tall with three sets or arms, each with strong hands and long claws. My body is covered in tattoos that tell the story of my people. Long hair flows down to my waist. I’m filled with rage that powers me like an engine.

I burst into the office where the good doctor is playing bad games with my girl, ready to rip him into small bits and flush them down the toilet. My frame fills the door. I meet his eyes.

“What do you want?” Dr. Martin’s voice switches from annoyance to fear. He shakes from fear. “Who are you?”

“You always ask the wrong questions.” My voice sounds strange even to me. My spirit level is so much different than the human one.

The man who is clearly possessed didn’t expect any resistance from anyone or anything. He glares at me with glassy eyes and a feral snarl. His mind switches between the fight or flight response and he clearly decides on the dumb answer.


I snarl. “I’m what you should be most afraid of. I’m a Shadow.”

“No, you can’t be. They didn’t say you’d come. They said she’s alone and unprotected, that you all deserted her, that she’s ripe for the taking.”

I expected him to attack me. I instead, he sniffles and pisses his pants. I smell the acrid scent of human urine produced by fear.

“Pathetic. Are you brave only when your opponent is weaker than you?”

I stretch my tongue and lick his face. Each flick of my split tongue breaks off a little piece of the asshole’s skin, ripping it off. Blood drips from the wounds for a moment before fresh skin grows back, covering the spot. The fast healing is another sign of his possession. This man is under a strong spell. They expended a lot of energy on him.

“Talk, human,” I demand, angling my head so his gaze had to meet mine. “Talk or I’ll rip you apart, piece by piece.”

My voice is so strong and commanding that it makes me shiver. For a second, I must remember I’m an alpha in my own right. The power that comes with that makes my chest swell. I watch his face. Blood and mucus drip from his nose and he has a hard time putting together coherent thoughts. His voice changes to a whine.

“I don’t know nothing. I’m a lower. I only passed the first blood rites and then… then… then they said I’d get more access to power if I gave them the one of pure blood. They want her. I used to like Ivy. I… I had a cru… crush on her.” He stumbles over his words, apologizing, crying, and pissing himself all at the same time. It’s disgusting and pathetic but, at the same time, entertaining to watch. His fear feeds me. My upper right hand surrounds his neck and lifts him, making his feet float above the ground.

“Did you kill all those nurses?” I don’t expect an answer, but it feels like a good way to start. It’s a simple yes or no question.

“Yes. Yes, I did. It was part of the first blood rite. I just want more. They said I’d become a God and that nothing could ever touch me.”

“They lied. As you see, I can touch you.”

He keeps trying to avert his gaze from me. I remember how fearful humans are, especially when confronted with our real faces. Everything about us, the Shadows, is made to strike fear in the hearts of any human who gets to meet us. My red, burning eyes. My three sets of arms. My physical strength. The claws and muscles that coil around my bone structure. And, finally, my sharp teeth that look like a collection of pieces of glass and protrude from my gums with deadly intent.

“Are you trying to avoid looking at me?”

The doctor mumbles something I can’t understand.

“Ah, they told you that if you look me into my eyes, I can steal your soul. It’s a bit too late for that, my stupid idiotic friend. You gambled your soul away all on your own.”

With the claws of my second right arm, I tear open doctor’s shirt, popping off each button slowly, one by one, on my way down his chest and abdomen until I reach his cock. I’ve never into guys, but the good doc doesn’t need to know that.

“What… what are you doing?” he asks in a wimpy voice.

“I’m doing what you wanted to do to Ivy. How does it feel, to be helpless and have someone who’s so much stronger than you take control?”