My body moved like a coiled spring I couldn’t control. I jumped at Kya, my claws on her neck, pressing her down on the soft, silky, velvet pillows. The Bastet had a huge smile on her lips as if she enjoyed it.

“Yes, I love it rough. Choke me.”

When I realized what I was doing, and that my hands surrounded her neck, I jumped back up and tried to clean my palms from the feeling I had from Kya’s skin.

“Oh, spoil sport. I wanted to play a bit and you refuse me this simple pleasure. Bad Ashok. Oh well, I assume you’ll want to see your brothers and the little space girl.”

Kya made a hand gesture toward one of the servants who stood next to the door. My brothers were pushed in one by one, prodded by scan sticks. Hassym looked the worse. Sweat soaked his skin. The moment he entered, he leaned against the wall.

“Bring my guest tea with herbs for the headache,” Kya called out to a servant.

I stood there, acknowledged my brothers with a slight nod of my head, but kept my arms folded over my chest. They probably all received the chip. Ramy’s jaw was set and he was ready to claw and bite his way out of the castle.

“I don’t think we were introduced,” Kya meowed toward them. A beautiful, long, silver, silk robe adorned her tall, slender body, the material moving with her tail each time she whipped it. She stopped in front of Ramy.

“You’re Ramy, right? I can feel the alpha pheromones all over you.”

Ramy took a slight bow. “Can I ask why you chose to arrest me and my brothers? We didn’t break the law.”

“Why do you call this an arrest? I took a shortcut but you’re guests. I gave you the gift of the translation chips.”

“Guests are free to leave. Are we free to leave, with our friend, Pandora?”

“Well, you put me in a weird position, Ramy, and I don’t like it. Why don’t you take a seat? You don’t have to be so tense like your brother.” Kya moved closer to Ramy and touched his chest while pressing her feline body against him.

“Tea is served,” Kya called out as her servants brought a cup of tea to each of us. I refused mine. I don’t want it.

Kya walked over to Edoo. He was the most charming and kissed her paw, a gesture that made her smile and throw her head back in delight. Eray copied him. Only Hassym barely acknowledged her.

“Hassym, you should lay down. You’re unwell.” Ramy had a commanding tone in his voice. My brother was too stubborn to do so.

“Well, it’s time to bring up the object of this meeting,” Kya said after she sat down.

The door opened and Pandora ran toward me. I saw her blue and white eyes locked on mine and my arms opened to receive her. My two hearts beat faster as she drew was closer to me.

“Great, the cause of my misery,” muttered Hassym.

Pandora ignored him. It dawned on me that she might be able to understand him now, and that his words would hurt her. Hassym isn’t the kind of guy who beats around the bush. He says whatever he wants to.

“Ashok,” she whispered. “I’m so relieved to see you.”

I could understand her. It was so beautiful to comprehend the meaning of her sweet words that sang in my ear. Her face pressed itself against my chest. She smelled so wonderful, like flowers and delicate incense. My fingers slipped into the thick curtain of black hair that ran down her shoulders.

“Finally, we meet,” Kya said.

Pandora turned to her. “I assume it’s you who’s keeping me and my friends captive. I demand to know what the charges are and to be released immediately!”

Kya laughed. Her tail swished to the left and the right as her eyes stayed locked on Pandora. I had no idea that the small female was so brave.

“You’re guests. Take a seat and let’s talk.”

“If we’re guests, that means we’re free to leave?”

“Only after you listen to what I have to say.”

“I prefer to stand.” Pandora stood, her arms in the same position as mine, crossed over her chest. The more I could understand her words the more I liked her. She wasn’t intimidated by Kya, who was at least one head taller than Pandora, and a royal. My girl was a spitfire.

“Suit yourself.” Kya lay on the chaise, one hand holding up her head. “Pandora, we want you to be a part of the ancient, sacred, and mythical games.”