“What is that?”
Kya sniffed at her before picking up a piece of fruit from a plate offered to her by a servant. “The Games are honorable. You enter the seven pyramids of doom, hoping to find the access to our ancestors’ spaceship. There are other candidates, but only one person or team can win. If you open the ship and manage to make it fly, you win instantly, and put an end to the Games. If not, you must fight your way through the seven pyramids. Ask Ashok. He played and won. He emerged victorious covered with the blood of his enemies.”
I swallowed hard. Kya knew more than my brothers about the Games. I know that, except for Hassym, they hadn’t watched them. Plus, the transmission did not show everything.
“And if I say no?”
“Then I have to kill you.” Kya said it softly and matter-of-factly.
“Kill me. I don’t care.”
“I can’t let you get away so easy. You see, my priests already spoke about the prophecy, and my people wait to see you. If you don’t cooperate, I’ll kill them, one by one.”
As the princess pointed, I felt a blade pressing itself into my back. Guards emerged from nowhere and threatened me and my brothers.
“What do you say now?
Pandora’s face changed. “Will you let my friends go if I agree?”
“Do I have your word that the moment I agree, you will allow my friends to go on with their lives unharmed?”
“Yes, yes.”
“Pandora, no!” Ramy called out. I saw a deep sadness in his face.
“You can’t agree to the Games. They’re going to kill you,” Edoo added.
“Princess Kya, I volunteer to go instead,” Edoo and Eray said at the same time.
I was deeply surprised by the level of commitment my brothers had for the small female.
Kya stretched slowly, taking her time. “Guys, guys, guys. We don’t play like that. I need this wonderful space female to play. I can’t use another Anubis. I have more than enough of you.”
“Edoo, Eray, thank you,” said Pandora. My two hearts vibrated when she used their names. I could understand her. “I’ve got this. I don’t want to bring you down with me in my predicament. I owe you already for saving me. Twice. Thank you.” She touched her chest when she said it and I know that all my brothers felt it.
“Let’s get out of here.” Hassym stood. “Not our problem. Sorry, Pandora, but I don’t want to see my brothers butchered in the Games because of you.”
“I get it. And one more thing.” Pandora stepped over to Hassym. Her eyes locked on his. I saw the giant lean closer to her. “If you ever try to grab my boobs or bite my ass again, I’ll knock out your fangs and break your arm to beat you with it.”
Hassym froze and could not reply.
Kya laughed and clapped. “I like you. Do we have a deal?”
“Good. Dear friends, you are free to go. In fact, I insist that you leave. I don’t want to see you here anyway.”
I wrapped my arms around Pandora. She tip-toed and whispered close to my ear. “My best friend Van crashed with me. He should be somewhere. Please find him.”
She said it so fast, so breathless, that my hearts burned with jealousy that those are the last words she addresses to us.
Edoo and Eray hugged her, too. I could read the pain on Edoo’s face. Ramy was the last. Only the asshat Hassym left without a word.
My hearts pained when the huge golden double doors closed and we exited the palace into the marketplace. Still, we had no business being there. As far as I know, Kya would have killed me or any of us without hesitation.
We walked all around the market until we saw a tavern. Eray put his arm over my back and I rejoiced in the closeness of my twin brother. As we sat with a huge palm beer in front of each of us, Ramy was the first to break the silence