Page 114 of Healer's Call

“Congratulations. Are you happy?”

I beam at Mav when I answer his question. “I really am.”

“Good. Sam will be happy to hear; you’d probably better expect a call from her wanting all the details,” he says wryly.

I grin. “Sounds good. Thanks, Wyatt.” We call Garrett next, and he puts Paul on the line as well. They knew a little bit because of Liam and Talya being in the dream, but we filled them in with everything else. Garrett and Cade make plans to meet up, and then it’s time to make the phone call I’m dreading the most.

“Will you help me call Bryce?” I ask Mav.

“Yeah.” He doesn’t look any happier than I do.

I know Ava’s really hard to get close to, and she’s pushed him away time and time again. I’ve wondered how long the alphawill let her push him away. I bite my thumbnail while the phone rings, and Mav pushes it down gently.


I take a breath at the sound of Bryce’s voice. It’s been a while. As nervous as I am to make this call, fear for my friend pushes me on. “Hi, Bryce, this is Rose, Ava’s friend,” I say, letting him know I’m on the call.

“Hi, Rose.” If he’s surprised, he doesn’t let on.

“Um, so we called with some not very good news; but we felt you needed to know.”

“Is Ava okay?” he asks suddenly.

“Oh, sorry, she’s fine. I should have led with that.” I take a deep breath and begin to explain everything we’ve learned. Mav and even Cade help until he understands exactly what’s going on.

“So, you’re telling me that not only are wolves stuck in their wolf form after my mate but vampires as well?” His voice is cold and dangerous. You'd be a fool not to hear the threat in his voice. “Where is Ava now?” His words are slow and distinct, and I have a feeling he’s close to losing it.

“She’s back with the Northwoods Pack,” I tell him quietly.

“Not anymore, she’s not.” I’m not sure he even realized he said those words out loud. I bite my tongue, so I don’t say something to enrage him. I don’t think Ava’s going to go peacefully with him, but they’ll have to figure it out. I can’t get her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. He'll have to find that out the hard way.

“We’re getting a meeting planned,” Cade tells him.

“I’ll be there for it.”

We hang up, and I take a deep breath. “Do you think I should have warned him?” I ask Mav.

“About the blonde healer?” Mav asks.

I roll my eyes. “About Ava, yes.”

“Nope. He’s going to have to figure out the wildcat all on his own.”

I grimace because he’s not wrong. Eli throws open the door to the room, startling me. Cade doesn’t look surprised. Actually, none of them do. “You knew he was coming,” I grumble.

Mav gives me a guilty look.Sorry, I’ll try to do better at giving you a heads-up. I’m not used to the bond yet.

"We’ve got something,” Eli says.

Chapter 53


A rough-looking man walks in behind Eli, and I can’t help but stare at him. Mav growls and jumps to his feet. “Get him out of here,” he orders, moving in front of me. I put my hand on his back, trying to settle him.

“I just want to help,” the man says. His voice is raspy and irritated, like he hasn’t spoken with it in a while. I know who the red-haired man with the long hair and grown-out beard is without asking. He's the leader of the rogues.

“Mav, stand down,” Cade orders, joining in the chaos.