Page 113 of Healer's Call

I glance up at Mav and take his hand in mine. “It’s okay. We need to know.”

Cade glances at Amber before looking back at us. “He said there was a healer at the facility they were at, and she healed one of the wolves.” I suck in a breath at his words, and Cade gives me a reluctant look. “The vampires had her do it, so they would know what she was capable of.”

I put my hand over my mouth and feel like I’m going to be sick. “So, the vampires know that the healers can heal their wolf creations now too?” Mav grinds out.

Cade’s face is grim. “Yes, and so do the wolves that they’ve given their serum to—the ones that are stuck in wolf form.”

Mav sits back in his chair. “So, none of the healers are safe.”

“Yeah.” Cade doesn’t try to argue with him.

“Where’s my phone?” I ask, patting my pockets, feeling desperate. “Where is it?” I ask, shoving my chair back.

“Rose,” Mav says, standing. He takes my hand, or at least he tries to. I pull away from him.

“I need to warn them.”

“Rose,” he says again.

“I need to warn them,” I repeat desperately.

He holds my hand still and puts his phone in my hand. “Here.”

I quickly go to his contacts. “You have their numbers?” I ask in surprise when I find Wyatt’s number.

His dark eyes meet mine. “Every one of them.”

I don’t waste any more time. I dial Wyatt’s number and bite my lip while I wait for him to pick up. “Maverick,” Wyatt says into the phone. ”To what do I owe this pleasure.” His voice sounds anything but pleased.

“Wyatt, it’s Rose.”

His voice instantly changes. “Rose? Are you okay?” Mav growls low, but I ignore him.

“Wyatt, I don’t have time right now to explain everything but you need to keep Samantha close to you. She’s in danger.” I can barely get the words out for the fear that’s flooding me.

It’s silent on the other end. “What’s going on, Rose?” I recognize that voice; he is not happy. The words get stuck in my throat; so much is flitting through my brain at breakneck speed, I can’t get it all sorted.

“The vampires are going after wolves and injecting them with a serum of some sort,” Mav says into the phone. “They can’t shift back. They’re targeting the young and weak or ones on the outskirts of the pack.”

“Thank you for the warning, but what about my Sam?” Wyatt says roughly.

Mav meets my eyes, and I nod at him. “The vampires had a healer heal a wolf. So now the vampires know that the healers can heal the rogue wolves, and the wolves know. They're…,” he pauses a moment, being careful with his words. “…desperate to be cured before they lose themselves to their wolves completely.”

“So, they’re going to come after the healers.” Wyatt’s voice is devoid of any emotion. “And so are the vampires, if they need the healers.”

“Yes,” Maverick agrees. His eyes meet mine, and I see the menace there. There’s a small satisfaction somewhere deep in my spirit, knowing that he will do anything he has to, to protect me.

“Have you told the others yet?” Wyatt asks.

“We’re about to,” Mav responds.

“Keep me updated.”

“Will do.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” Wyatt says, and I almost smile. At his core, he’s still just a really nice guy. “Rose, is he being good to you?”

His question surprises me, and I glance at Mav quickly. I’m expecting him to get mad at Wyatt, but he studies me as he waits for my response. I smile gently, even though Wyatt can’t see me. “Yeah, Wyatt. He is. We uh, mated.”