Page 64 of Fateful Exposure

Soon, the time came for the designer to walk the runway. With my heart in my mouth, I stepped onto the track, the applause almost knocking me off. The girls walked behind me as I moved, waving to the crowd. I was a fucking mess of nerves, and yet I put one foot in front of the other, barely meeting anyone's eye.

The crowd stood to their feet as the applause rang out. Cameras flicked nonstop in my direction. I pressed a hand to my chest, bowing. I'd done it. I'd fucking done it. Me and my team.

After throwing one last thank you at the crowd, I turned and walked away. Only when I got back to the dressing room did I let out the breath I was holding.

Fucking hell. I'd done this countless times in the past. Why was my heart beating through my ears?

A second later, the room filled up as the girls entered one by one, their excitement palpable. There was a squeal here and a shout there. Maria was absent, probably off socializing. I swear, I didn't understand how she managed to know so many people.

I owed her a lot. She'd been by my side from the very beginning, putting up with my bullshit and never once complaining. If I ever wished for a sister, it would be her.

The girls were caught up in the buzzing celebration, and as I decided to pay them for their services regardless of the previous agreement, I left the dressing room, closing the door softly behind me.

I had to find Ashton. I needed to see him, watch the corners of his eyes crinkle as he laughed, wrap my arms around him, and thank him for everything he'd done for me.

But as I made to take one step forward, my feet paused, and my eyes narrowed at the person standing right in front of the dressing room.

"It looks like you were never meant to stay down,” he said. “I can't say I'm not impressed. That was the most enthralling runway show I've ever attended."

My lips pursed as my eyes roamed over him. He was impeccably dressed in an all-black suit, with not one crease to be found. He had a Rolex watch on his left hand, hair that had probably been tamed with a fine-tooth comb, and shoes that shone brighter than the lights illuminating the hallway.

The epitome of soft masculinity: Alexander Shithead Winston.

No one would guess that underneath that soft and shiny exterior, he had a heart as black as charcoal. It was inconceivable that someone could go to such great lengths to ruin another's career and drag their name through the mud, but here he was as living proof—the man who had dedicated his life to ensuring my total destruction, even though he'd been the one to cheatand steal from me, and I'd been gracious enough not to sue the bastard for theft.

Without saying a word, I moved to walk past him, but his hand shot out to grab my arm. I stopped, packing disgust into my gaze and letting it linger on his hand wrapped around my arm before lifting it to his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded.

In the past, I would have paid attention to the earnest look in his eyes, but I'd been fooled by him for two whole years, so excuse me if I wasn't buying into his little act anymore.

"I just want to talk, Selma,” Alex said.

I jerked back my arm, flashing him a death glare. "Thanks, but no. I canceled my subscription to your bullshit a while ago, and I don't think I'll be renewing.

Pursing his lips, he inched forward, and I stepped back. I was so disgusted that I didn't even want to breathe in the same air as him. Being in his presence grated on my nerves, but a part of me wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Listen, I know you're angry at me."

I scoffed. "Angry? Bitch, please."

He ran a thumb over his lower lip, averting his gaze for a second as if he were nervous. I narrowed my eyes. This Alex was verydifferent from the one at the gala who had mocked me for even showing my face in public. What was his play?

"I hurt you, and I'm sorry." He sighed, meeting my eyes. "I know I've been a dick, but honestly, I've missed you these past few years, and I…" He took a step closer again. "I miss you, Selma."

Hold the fuck up.

"What?" I was so shocked that I didn't think to move back. He was so close that I could smell his breath. "Is this another one of your jokes or something?"

Alex shook his head, dragging a finger down my cheek. "I'm serious. It's not the same without you."

"Wait a minute. Aren't you with Iris?" I hated the bitch, but she was still my cousin, and even though she had hurt me, the thought of doing the same thing to her did not sit right with me.

Alex sighed, and the fight that was always in his eyes was now mellow. Yet I didn't believe for a second that he was anything other than a snake.

"She's not you, Selma. No matter how much I tried to make her out to be. She'll never be you."

The funny thing was, I would have forgiven him. If he'd said this to me three years ago when everything fell apart, my heart would have swelled with love for him, and I would have stupidly forgiven him because that was how deeply I loved him.