But he didn't, and that just meant I loved him way more than he loved me. Or perhaps he never loved me at all.
And right now, staring at him up close for what I knew was the last time, I realized with a scoff that I genuinely didn't feel anything for him anymore—not love, not even anger—nothing. He was that insignificant now and didn't deserve anything from me.
"I don't care, Alex. You've hurt me beyond words, threw my trust back in my face, and I'll never forgive you for that." I felt a tingling behind my eyes.
There were so many things I'd wanted to say to him. I'd spelled them out and rehearsed the words countless times in front of a mirror and never found the courage to say them to him. But those particular words had been stuck in my throat for a long time, and I'd given up hope that they would ever come up. And now that they had, it was ironic how hollow they sounded, just like my feelings for him.
"I love you, Selma,” he said.
I scoffed, giving my head a little shake because all I could think of was how much bullshit he spewed daily. If he thought those three little words would convince me of his faux sincerity, he had another thing coming.
They certainly didn't make my heart race like earlier when he said them.
It happened so suddenly that I didn't see it coming. One second, I was standing there staring at Alex, and the next, he was kissing me, his lips moving above mine like he was starved of physical attention. For the first few seconds, I froze, my hands folded into tight fists at my sides as my heart hammered against my ribcage. Shock mixed with a distinct feeling of helplessness like black ink swallowed me, from my legs to my stomach.
It was still swirling up my arms when I heard a familiar voice scream my name.
As if I'd just jerked awake, I pushed Alex off me with all the strength I could muster, sending him staggering back. My head turned to find the voice, my heart dropping into my stomach when I saw Maria gaping at me. But it wasn't her that made me feel like absolute shit.
No. Ashton stood beside her, and the only thing I could think was that I'd never seen him so…unhinged. His brown eyes darkened until they were the color of coffee, and I knew without a doubt that he'd misread the entire situation.
I took a step forward. "Ashton—"
He held out a hand, taking one step back. "Don't. Just… let it go. I hear your silence loud and clear now." His eyes were full of hurt, and every second that passed squeezed my heart tighter.
"Let me explain," I whispered as tears swam in my eyes. He had to know that Alex didn't mean anything to me, and I needed him to know that. "Ashton, please."
With one last shake of his head, he swung on his heels and left. I let out a shaky breath as one tear slipped free.
Why does it feel like my heart is breaking?
When I looked back at Alex, I saw it—that mischievous glint in his eyes that sparkled with depravity. He wiped his thumb over the corner of his lips, a smug smile taking over. I shook my head at him with a snarl, internally cursing myself for not recognizing his plan for what it was: manipulation.
Obviously, he'd orchestrated this entire fiasco so that Ashton would find us.
This was what he wanted, and I wouldn't let him win.
Stepping into him, I raised a hand and smacked him across the face. "If you ever touch me again, I will cut off your tiny prick and feed it to you. Fucking asshole."
Alex's eyes flared, and his jaw clenched, but he didn't do anything. I knew what this was—his last attempt to ruinsomething good for me because he just couldn’t stand the thought of me being happy.
"Let's see how you make a comeback from that," were his parting words to me.
My body shook with fury as I watched him strut away, like he'd just done something as normal as taking a piss. I swear I hated him. I had no idea what I'd do if I saw him again.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Maria gasped.
I turned to face her. "I can't deal with this right now, Maria. I need to find Ashton."
That was the only thing that mattered right now, not her obvious disappointment in me.
But she wasn't relenting. Her face was twisted in anger, and she looked at me as if I'd somehow let her down. "That man has done everything right trying to show you how much he cares for you. Do you really think pushing him away is fair?"