“I'm afraid I'm not her type, but from what I've heard, you probably would be.”
His brows furrowed. “You're not her type, butIwould be?”
“You’re a good boy that looks corruptible. Like you could melt on someone’s hand.” I bit my tongue before I forced myself to continue. “She's also into hookups only, so she would be a good option for you.”
I knew this because Nina was also one of my friends, even if she didn’t hang around my group all the time.
Dan stared at me for a moment, an unreadable yet somehow vulnerable expression on his face before it was gone.
He still wasn’t leaving.
A thought came to me and was out of my lips before I could tell myself to shut up.
“Unless you want to try it with a man?”
Suddenly, there was a stillness in the air between us.
The tension was so thick, it was palpable, though maybe it was just me imagining it. I knew Dan was straight. I had always known.
The outright rejection of the idea would serve me right to tie the caveman down.
But suddenly, Dan wasn't refuting me outright. He also didn't look offended like some straight men did at the thought that they might be even a little curious about tasting something other than the usual.
His eyes went to mine and for a second, a single fucking second, they dropped to my lips before he looked away, as if electrocuted.
“Not tonight.”
What fresh hell was this, and who had gotten me in here?
Was that supposed to be a‘maybe’?
Now this was a nightmare. A very bad fucking one.
My dick was so hard it could put a dent in the bar if I tried to hit it hard enough.
Suddenly, Dan took a long gulp from his drink—aplainginger ale, mind you—, put it back on the bar, then left me there with a lazy, “See you later.”
Let it go, I told myself, even as my mind tried to focus on what he’d said like my life depended on it.
I watched them, stopping the urge to bring my drink to my lips, because fuck, I wasn’t supposed to care one way or another. He was just a guy. I should just go find myself someone to be with, preferably a woman since I knew what would happen if I chose a man. It would be someone that looked way too much like Dan, and my mind would get ideas that I didn't want it to get.
Dan and Nina danced, the latter looking delighted, whispering no doubt filthy things into his ear as she put her arms around his neck. The sight of it made me want to slam the glass in my hand against the floor.
One more minute, and I was going to get a hookup of my own.
One. More. Minute.
But it was then that Nina took Dan's hand in her own, and put her other hand by her mouth as she whispered in his ear, both of them looking towards the private bathroom that I had already told Dan he could go to.
Even from this far I could tell the reluctance on Dan's face and the line of his shoulders.
And before I knew it, I had let go of my glass and was making my way toward them.
Dan James