Page 14 of Unspoken Obsession

Tears are streaming down my face. "Please. Please stop this." I plead with him.

He dips his fingers between my legs and rips my panties off. The fabric cuts into me and my skin is left raw.

My fingers claw at his face, and he knocks me backward, hitting my head against the cabinet behind me and a dizzy wave of nausea washes over me.

I want to vomit.

He grabs his cock and pushes it between my legs.

I can't believe this is happening. Why is he doing this?

My vision swims in and out of focus, but I don't stop fighting him off.

Jake's eyes shoot wide with fright and he is flying across the room.

I fall off the counter and land on the hard kitchen floor, rubbing my throat desperate for air.

There are two men standing over Jake. One of them is holding him down, the other has a knife. He swings it in a wide arch from his hip upwards—straight through the bottom of Jake's jaw. It makes a cracking, squelching sound when the blade embeds inside his skull.

I turn to the side and puke as blood pours from his head and splashes onto the kitchen floor.

Through my tears, I watch the two men hoist Jake's lifeless body onto their shoulders and drag him from my peaceful little cottage. My haven that now has become some kind of hell.

I can't move.

I don't understand what is going on, how did they know? Did I scream?

After a while one of them returns to the kitchen where I am huddled against the cupboard with my knees against my chest. I want to check on Damion, but perhaps it is safer if I leave him where he is so that these attackers don't find him. He's quiet and safe for the time being.

But I'm terrified.

"Francesca." The man says my name and I choke in shock. "Your father says it's time for you to come home."

And then he walks out of the cottage, and I am left alone with a puddle of blood and the worst kind of fear in my heart.

My father's men found me, and now they are following me everywhere.

It's making the whole town talk and whisper, and rumors are feeding the gossip mill and it's making my life here more challenging. Everyone keeps asking me if I've heard from Jake and I have no idea what to say. My life has turned into a complete nightmare.

I came to town this morning to get some groceries and a new pair of shoes for Damion. He is growing so fast, and at three he is a little firecracker of mayhem and unbridled energy.

He has his father's eyes. Bright blue and piercing. In his first year, I kept expecting them to fade or change but that intense blue stayed.

Everyone comments on it.

Walking through town, I notice the goon following close behind me, the handgun on his belt hidden beneath his jacket. I scoop Damion into my arms so that I can walk faster.

I'll get his shoes another day. I hate this, I want to get out of here.

Everyone is staring at me as though I don't belong here anymore like I am an outsider.

I sigh as I climb into my car.

I guess I never belonged here. It was a temporary escape. A vacation from my real life.

My father will never stop having me followed.

The only way to stop them is to go back to Las Vegas.