Page 15 of Unspoken Obsession

It fills me with relief, and it terrifies me at the same time. I knew he would find us, I just thought that Damion would be a little older.

He is the sweetest little boy with the kindest heart - and I am so scared of him changing when we go back to where we came from. The heart of Sin City.

They knew what they were doing when they gave Las Vegas that nickname.

I drive home along the long dirt road with Damion strapped into the child seat in the back. He is singing his favorite song in a jumble of words that make no sense, but I recognize the tune, so I hum along with him.

I am relieved to see that we are not being followed. I guess they know where I live - so they'll just pick up where they left off tomorrow.

Parking outside my little cottage I stop the car and turn off the engine.

"Home." Damion shouts tugging at his seatbelt.

"Baby calm down, I'll help you with that in a second."

"No, I do it." He says, sounding frustrated while his little fingers press the wrong part of the clip.

I chuckle, climb out of the car, and go around to help him.

"Here, press this." I point to the red button, hidden.

"Oooh." He squeals as it springs open.

He stands up and with no warning, he leaps forward into my arms. I laugh and step back away from the car, then spin him around in the air.

He leans his head back and stares up at the sky, grinning.

Then I put him down and he bolts towards the bucket of play-dough he was playing with just before we left for town.

I sigh as he dunks his hands right into the goo and grabs two handfuls. I'll bathe him again after this. Luckily he enjoys the water.

Walking up to the front door I see my landlord has left a note for me. She does this to invite me for dinner some nights or to ask me to help her with something.

I pull the note off the door.

But it isn't from her.

It's from my father.

My heart is beating so fast I can barely breathe. Dizziness sweeps over me, and I grab the railing of my little wooden porch and sit down on the swing chair near the door.

With shaking hands I unfold the piece of paper.


I'm done playing games. It's time to come home. Do not make me force you.

You've got forty-eight hours and then I expect you to return to Las Vegas. If you don't do as you're told I assure you–you will regret it.


He signed the letter the same way he signed everything. Business contracts, bills, orders. Nothing is ever personal. Except it's my whole life. It's very personal to me.

I brush away the tear that spills from my eye and escapes down my cheek.

But Damion has been watching me.

He drops the wad of clay and runs over to me.