“Turner.” Aiden’s voice was crisp and focused. “Are you willing to testify against Big T and the men who kidnapped your wife and daughter?”
“Yes.” Turner stood straight and nodded.
“You know they’ll try to kill you.” Aiden’s face was solemn.
Turner didn’t back down. “Anything I can do to put them all away and help make this right.”
“You might get a reduced sentence for your willingness to participate,” Sergeant Miller said.
“If I can be there for Jana and Alaina sooner, I’d be grateful, but that’s not why I’m doing this. I want to help fix what I’ve done and make sure Big T never does this to anyone again.” He focused on Shay. “I’m so sorry, Shay.”
“I know.” She gave him a watery smile. “It’s low-key a mess, but we’ll get through it.”
He nodded.
Paul felt Turner’s words like a bowling ball to the chest. He’d felt forgiven and now he wanted to come clean and apologize to Darian, but was he doing it for altruistic reasons? He’d been thinking more about himself and praying for a relationship with Shay, but he needed to focus on how he could help Darian and do the right thing, no matter the outcome.
“Good.” Aiden looked to Sergeant Miller. “Let’s get the prosecuting attorneys in here. They might have some additional meat to their trial.”
Shay leaned heavily into Paul. He’d have to let her go and face this trial. Shay was strong and brave. She’d get through it. He wanted to support her and stand by her side always. If shecouldn’t forgive him or she chose to support Darian in his loathing of Paul, they’d never be together.
The right thing for the right reason.
He would stand by Shay’s side and keep praying and loving her. Even if they couldn’t be together in the end.
Paul hadto sit in the courtroom and watch for days, unable to hold Shay’s hand or help her in any way. He prayed for her constantly in his mind and gave her a reassuring smile every time she looked his way.
The trial was dramatic, but there was closure and hope as well. Shay was brave and as poised on the stand as she was on the block preparing for a huge race. She was herself, told the truth, and didn’t get ruffled by the high-dollar defense attorney. With her testimony, it was unlikely Big T would ever see daylight again. The prosecuting attorney wrapped up with Aiden Porter on the stand. It was a brilliant move. Aiden shared that Big T was in cahoots with none other than Benjamin Oliver. The prosecuting attorney had testimony of Agent Turner and of Big T’s man who had been arrested when they rescued Turner’s wife, baby, and Agent Meacham. It was the nail in the coffin. No jury member was going to let Big T off the hook.
Of course the trial stretched on for days with the defense’switnesses, cross-examination, and the jury’s deliberation. Paul didn’t get to see Shay outside the courtroom. Aiden reassured him she was safe and doing well, but the separation from her was a mental and physical ache. He went over and over again in his head what to say to Darian and how to make things right. He was going to talk to Darian for the right reasons and had felt God’s forgiveness, but how would he go on if Shay decided she couldn’t forgive him and needed to stand by her brother?
Finally, late in the afternoon on day five, the judge read the jury’s verdict. Big T was guilty on all counts and charged with first degree murder, kidnapping, extortion, and some lesser charges. He was sentenced to a consecutive life in prison, ensuring he’d never get out. Big T was hauled away, surprisingly quiet and resigned.
Everyone stood as the judge left the stand.
It was over. Paul was relieved, ready to be with Shay, and ready to take the next steps of finding Darian and seeing if he and Shay could move forward with a relationship. If it was the Lord’s will, he prayed she could forgive him and someday love him like he loved her.
Shay turned to him, a shy smile on her beautiful lips. He started her direction, his heart fluttering with hope. She pushed through the people trying to speak with her, nodding and saying, “Thank you,” over and over again, but she was completely focused on him.
Paul’s heart missed a beat as she made it down the aisle and finally collided into his arms. He closed his eyes and simply held her. The world was right again. He loved this impetuous, brave, hard-working, talented, and beautiful lady. Could she love him back, or would it be too much with her brother hatinghim and the secrets Paul had held too tight to his chest for too long?
“You did amazing,” he whispered, his lips brushing her ear and then her temple, sparks lighting up the crowded courtroom. He didn’t even look at the people pressing in around them.
“Thank you. This has been overwhelming and stressful, but I kept telling myself that God was on my side and you were on my side and I did much harder things at World Championship races, qualifying for the Olympics, and coaching teenagers.” She winked and smiled.
“All are true. You’re incredible.” He paused, wondering if he dared ask her if he could stay by her side. Where would she go now? Were her Olympic hopes gone, or would she go back to training? “Can we go talk somewhere … alone?”
“Yes,” she said, bobbing her head.
He ushered her into the crook of his arm and hurried her past people clambering to talk to her. She was a hero in every sense of the word, defeating Big T, forgiving and helping Agent Turner, helping Paul to put his anger at Turner away and forgive the man and in turn feel the sweet peace of forgiveness from heaven.
Shay had come straight to him and into his arms. Did that mean she could forgive and love him?
They made it out into the hallway, and Paul rushed her away from the main doors, down the hall, up the stairs, and into the conference room they’d spent that first morning in, monitoring the Turners’ rescue.