“Why?” Word traveled fast. He’d thought they were keeping Shay on the down low.
“Well, first of all I’m a huge fan, but second of all I’ve been assigned by Aiden to get with you and see what she knows and see if we can make a connection from Big T to Benjamin Oliver.”
“Gotcha. We’ll call you when she comes down.”
“You were up late, I take it.”
“We didn’t get settled until four a.m.”
“Ah. Well, you have fun getting cozy with Shay Cannon and we’ll chat soon.”
Paul pocketed his phone. He wished he could get cozy with Shay Cannon. A protection detail and Darian’s sister. Off limits. He closed the fridge and turned with the juice in hand. Shay was standing in the living area, watching him. He almost dropped the juice.
“Hey,” he said. “I didn’t even realize you followed me down the stairs.” Some security guard he was.
“You were busy with your phone call,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.
“Autumn wants to talk to you.”
“Something with the case.” He shrugged.
“Oh, I see.”
What had happened during the night? Shay was no longer using any teenage slang and seemed closed off, maybe even angry. He’d thought they parted on very good terms last night, or early this morning. Too good of terms for keeping his desire for her under control, but he’d slept on the makeshift quilt bed to help her feel safe and comfortable.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“Are you all right if we call her now?”
“Might as well get it over with.”
“All right.” Paul wasn’t a man who read into things, but something was off with Shay and this whole conversation. He set the juice on the counter and pushed Autumn’s number and the speaker button. Shay walked over to the counter.
“Hello again, my favorite and most handsome pilot,” Autumn said.
Shay lifted her eyebrows.
“That’s me,” Paul said, smiling at Shay. She didn’t return it. “I’ve got Shay here with me now.”
“Shay Cannon,” Autumn exclaimed. “I’m Autumn Cardon and I’m a huge fan. Huge! Your flip turns are a work of art; it’s like watching a graceful dolphin. Hopefully someday soon we’ll meet in person.”
Shay softened slightly. “Thank you. I’d like that.”
Interesting. Shay seemed almost … jealous of Autumn, which made no sense. Autumn flirted with him, but it was definitely platonic on both sides.
Autumn surprised him as well. The two of them had worked with the famous actress Eva Chevron and Miles Coleville not long ago. Autumn had been her usual vivacious, teasing self with Eva, but not gushing like this. Shay was nowhere close to Eva’s level of fame.
“I swam in high school and college, and I watched you kill it in the World Aquatics Championship almost every year. Incredible. I’m so sorry you had to miss the Olympics last time with your shoulder and this time because of that scuzz-bucket Big T.”
“You and me both,” Shay said. “Thank you.”
Autumn settled down and asked Shay questions about the murder she witnessed, her FBI agents, and what the men had said to her last night. Paul gestured to the juice and Shay shook her head. He got her a glass of ice water and she mouthed her thanks and took drinks between answering questions. He slowly drained his juice, keeping his focus on Shay. Was this hard on her emotionally? She and Autumn were talking about deadly serious things, but Shay started throwing in teenage slang and Autumn started teasing like usual, giving Paul a hard time.