“All right. This will help,” Autumn said, finally wrapping up the conversation. “We’ll chat soon, my college self’s idol. Okay, still my idol. You’re fabulous, my friend.”
Shay sputtered at that. “You’re gucci and a tough female bodyguard. I doubt I’m your idol.”
“Ah, I am gucci and tough. But it’s true, I hope we get to meet someday. Take care of Paul. He needs some tender, loving care.” She dropped her voice and said, “Well, he needs something. A kick in the pants or a kiss. Since I’m not there to keep him in line, I hope you can help me out.”
Shay looked frozen.
Autumn gave a throaty chuckle. “See you both soon.”
“Bye.” Shay stared at Paul, and he wondered if she’d give him the kick in the pants or the kiss. “She’s fabulous.”
“She is. Are you hungry? I think Easton will be here any moment, but there’s plenty of food.” He gestured to the fridge and then the counter where baked goods were lined up. His stomach growled thinking about Mama Millie’s sweet bread and cookies.
“I’ll just take more water.” She walked around the small bar. Using the fridge to fill up her water, she glanced sidelong at him. “Is Autumn beautiful?”
“Hmm.” Her gaze darted around, not meeting his. She drank more of her water. “Well, I guess I’ll go shower and get ready for our exciting day.”
“Very exciting. Would you want to swim before you shower?”
“Swim. Where?” Her voice pitched up.
“There’s a lake on the property. It’ll be cold—it’s fed by a mountain river—but at least you could swim.”
“I’d love that. A cold lake sounds incredible after swimming in a small, hot pool in Arizona. Thank you for thinking of it.”
“For sure. When Easton gets here, we’ll ask when we can swim.”
Shay grinned at him. A real grin. She looked more herself than she had all morning. “I’ll go see if there’s a swimsuit in the closet for me. I should’ve kept my swimming suit, but after … I just left it in the plane bathroom. That was rude of me.”
“We’ll find you a suit,” he said.
“If not, I’ll swim in this.”
Paul wasn’t sure which was more appealing: the pajama set or a swimsuit or the fitted dress she’d put on last night on theplane. No matter what she wore, it was difficult to keep his promise to himself to keep his distance. He passed a hand over his face.
A loud rap came at the door.
Paul hurried through the living area, looked through the high glass panes on the door, turned the deadbolt, and swung the door open.
“Hey!” Easton Coleville stood grinning on the other side, wearing his traditional cowboy hat, T-shirt, jeans, and boots. He held a tray of food in his hands.
The house alarm beeped a warning.
“You got that for me?” He tilted his head to the security panel.
“For sure. Good to see you.”
“You too.” Easton sauntered past him as Paul turned to type in the code and shut the door. “Well, hello, beautiful,” Easton drawled out. “You look exactly like my next girlfriend.”
Shay laughed at that.
Paul’s gut tightened. He hurried after Easton. The cowboy set the tray of food on the counter, stepped back, took his hat off, and ruffled his hair. He extended a hand to Shay. “Easton Coleville. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Shay Cannon.”
Shay shook his hand, her cheeks reddening at his obvious interest. “Meeting you hits different.”
Easton grinned like that was a come on. Paul honestly wasn’t certain what it meant.