“Oh, my gods, Quinn! Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I had no idea that I was even doing this to you,” I said, careful while I moved the fabric to see the marks.
Quinn glanced at her shoulder and nonchalantly shrugged like it was just a tiny stain and not open wounds. Her face didn’t show any pain as she said, “It’s okay, sweets.”
“What?! You’re bleeding, Quinn! We need to get these cleaned up.”
“I love you worrying about me. It’s so cute, but look. It’s really fine.”
We watched together as the scratches magically stitched themselves back together one-by-one. In no time at all, her upper back and shoulders were whole and healed. The only evidence that anything had happened was the blood that remained and her torn shirt.
“How?” I asked, dumbfounded as I caressed where the marks had been, feeling the new skin there.
“I’m kind of a supernatural, remember? I heal incredibly fast. But—” She raised her slitted eyebrow at me. “It doesusuallytake a lot for someone to make me bleed. Saying I have thick skin is an understatement. So, it’s as much refreshing as it is impressive that you can do it. And kind of hot, not gonna lie.”
“I feel like I should definitely be concerned about your priorities here, but I kinda like it. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m totally fine. I can’t say the same for my shirt, though.” Quinn kissed my lips. With ease, she carried me around the counter and sat me down on a barstool. She walked around the counter to the sink. She turned on the water. But before she pumped any soap into her hands, she locked eyes with me. Then she licked her fingers.
The same ones that were just inside of me.
“Mhmm, you taste even sweeter than I thought you would,mi tesoro.” She winked.
I almost came again on the spot.
Oh, this girl was definitely going to ruin me.
While she dried her hands after washing them, Quinn checked the time on her phone. “Everyone should be up and down here soon. Do you want to come upstairs with me?”
“Yeah, I should probably put pants on or something.”
Quinn came around to me again. As I looked up at her, she laced her hand around the back of my neck with my locs. “But this is my favorite look on you.”
“Just you wait, babe. I can think of a few others that this will beat.”
“Mhmm,” Quinn’s thumb feathered on the edge of some scales, and I shivered. “Did you bring any of those with you,hechicera?”
“Maybe. I know one that I brought I never leave home without it. If we had more time?—”
My sentence was broken by a squeal as Quinn lifted me up into her arms again. This time, instead of gripping my thighs, both of her hands went to my ass. Despite how large her hands were, they still weren’t big enough to completely hold my ass without overflow. She squeezed them, and she made an appreciative sound.
“You are so lucky we have plans today. Otherwise, we would go into my room and not come out for at least a day.”
I was wet again at the idea of having her to myself and letting her have her way with me for hours. That something in me from before seemed to like the idea, too. It was my turn to make a noise.
Quinn carried us both up the stairs. She opened the door to my room and sat me on the edge of my bed. Then she leaneddown and kissed me, caging me between her arms. I loved being encircled by her.
“A little early for you lovebirds, isn’t it?” We separated to turn and see Cody yawning in the doorway.
“That’s rich coming from you.” Nat appeared next to him with her arms crossed. “Not after what I had the displeasure to hear from youandCole’s rooms this morning. How homophobic of you.”
They started throwing digs at each other then, making me laugh and Quinn roll her eyes. She shook her head, murmuring about how she can never have a moment’s peace. Quinn leaned and kissed my forehead. “I’m going to go change. Are you going to be okay to meet me downstairs?”
“I think I can manage.”
“Beautiful,” Quinn said in a way that made me think it wasn’t just a response to what I said. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at me, and my heart fluttered. Then she turned and ushered her still-bickering cousins out my door for me to get ready for the day.
Once the door clicked softly behind her, I took my pillow and squealed into it. Was this my life? Was this real? I had a girl like Quinn asmygirlfriend?!
I was so giddy on Cloud 9 I was on autopilot as I picked out my clothes for the day. It was a good thing I had a natural sense of fashion and could pick outfits out with my eyes closed, especially if I had packed the bag full of new clothes bought and planned specifically for this trip. I put on a gray henley crop top and some orange and brown Palazzo pants that flared at the knee. I had bought them when I had seen so many videos of how they make your ass perfect. As I looked back at my butt in the mirror, I honestly understood why these were so viral. My ass looked like a ridiculously juicy peach as I bounced and watched it jiggle and shake. Quinn was going to lose her mind.