Page 146 of Scars Like Wings

She kissed her way up my jawline and captured my lips again. This kiss was just as slow as before, and I demanded with my lips to go harder. Instead, she leisurely snaked a hand up my shirt. Her calloused fingertips caressed their way up my stomach, tracing my stretch marks and rolls before reaching my breasts. I don’t know if it was because the last time I had sex with a person was at least four iPhone generations ago, because my body still experiencing the lingering effects from my scales, or just because Quinn was that good. But when she squeezed one of my boobs, I couldn’t help but moan.

“You have no idea how long I have been wanting to touch you. You are perfection.” Quinn kissed her way down my otherside as she squeezed my breast again, the texture of her hand against my nipple driving me insane.

Then she kissed a patch of scales on my shoulder while she pinched that same nipple.

“Are you trying to make me wake everyone up? Because I definitely will if you do that again,” I panted.

“Mhmm, let the whole island hear you,” Quinn said. Even her breath on my scales sent shivers straight to my core. “I want them to know what only I can do to you.”

“But what?—?”

Quinn’s teeth grazed against my scales at the same time that she pinched my other nipple. I clawed at her back and moaned the loudest yet. My vision sharpened, and I could feel my fangs start to graze the inside of my mouth. My pussy throbbed for her to do it again as I was left breathless.

What on earth was the evolutionary purpose of making thesethatsensitive?

“You naughty girl. Was that a question I heard from those pretty lips?”

“N-no,” I stuttered. “I can’t even spell question right now.”

Quinn chuckled and went back to work on my breasts and scales. She kissed and nipped at my skin and scales. As I gasped and moaned, she groaned along with me, clearly enjoying this just as much as me. And I couldn’t get enough of it. I started to roll my hips against her to get some friction as my nails clawed at her back. It was a pleasure I had never experienced before, and it was building.

I had sex with only four girls before, but no one had managed to push me over the edge. Even with foreplay, it always felt like it was taking too long or like I would come close but never finish. I felt like a burden, impatient and impossible to please. So, I would fake it before they got too exasperated with me. It wasn’t until I had my first orgasm on my own in my mid-twentiesthat I began to wonder if I was the problem. It was then that I realized that the other girls hadn’t been interested in me deep enough to care about my own pleasure. They just wanted to get off themselves.

But it was different with Quinn. Something told me I could take all the time in the world, and Quinn would indulge me while enjoying herself. She would kiss me, bite me, touch me with so much pleasure until I reached the end. She wanted me to be fulfilled. That was all that mattered to her.

“Quinn, please,” I said, finally, feeling like I might explode if she didn’t give my pussy some attention.

“Mhmm, I love hearing you say my name like that,” Quinn said, flicking my pert nipple and biting a patch of scales on my bicep.Gods, this fucking woman.

“Quinn, please, I need you right now.”

“So needy, sweetness. I do like when you beg for me like that,” Quinn said, smirking with that smolder that fanned the flames within me. Her voice was so husky and deep that I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling so affected.

She leaned down and captured my lips. This kiss had lost that slow tease from earlier. We were starving for each other. The same bolt of electricity and power pulsed and bounded between us, intensifying until I started to see stars.

Then I felt Quinn’s fingers through the fabric of my thong. Quinn practically purred feeling how hot and damp it was. “So wet for me, Byrdie? That’s my good girl.”

She shifted my underwear to the side effortlessly and did an achingly slow circle around my clit. I whimpered, ready to beg her for more, when she plunged one of her fingers into me while her thumb worked my clit. Everything heightened and sharpened. My vision, my hearing, my taste, everything. It was like Universal all over again. My nails found exposed skin on Quinn’s shoulders and dug in deep, making her moan. I wantedto sink my teeth into Quinn’s neck, too. Something within me growled at me to do it, but I swallowed the urge and told it to quiet down. Besides, I had so much more to focus on.

“Quinn, d-don’t stop. I can’t—I won’t last. You’re too good,” I moaned, feeling so close already.

“Yes,mi tesoro, that’s okay. You just do me a favor and come around my fingers. I need to feel your pleasure,” Quinn said before licking, kissing, and biting on one of my scales on my neck.

I arched my back then, throwing my head back and crying out. I unraveled. As Quinn continued to work my clit, she quickly coaxed another orgasm from me, making me come undone again. After the aftershocks subsided, Quinn carefully removed her fingers. My body immediately relaxed in Quinn’s arms, my head nestled in the crook where her neck met her shoulders. Quinn held me close there. It was so warm, like a cocoon. I just wanted to be in this moment forever. It was bliss.

Leave it to Quinn to get the title of not only my first orgasm from another person, but to do ittwiceback-to-back.

“That was… I don’t think I have words for it right now. What even are words? I think you fucked the intelligence out of me.”

I felt Quinn’s chuckle reverberate through me. “Just you wait until I don’t have breakfast waiting to be served.”

“I couldn’t imagine anything better than this. I mean, my legs definitely aren’t working right now. I think I might need to be wheeled around the island today.”

She laughed again. “I’m more than happy to carry you. I love how you feel in my arms.”

“Can we just talk about how hot it is that you are so strong, by the way?” I said. As I rubbed her shoulders and down her biceps for emphasis, my fingers caught on strips of fabric. I pulled my head back and looked over her shoulders toward her back. My jaw dropped. The top of the back of her shirt was in shreds.Underneath, there were angry red claw marks that were starting to bleed.

I couldn’t believe that I had done that.