The pomegranate came off the branch with a gentle snap. Will was filled with the urge to dig into its flesh, to seek out all the juicy seeds and devour them …

‘Will.’ Nico’s voice shattered the spell. The son of Hades looked as if he wasimmediatelygoing to leave mortality behind. ‘How did youdothat?’

Will shrugged. ‘I just … picked it?’

‘Well,don’teat it. Pick a few more, and let’s get out of here!’

Will grabbed another pomegranate, tucked it under his arm, then plucked a third and turned to hand it to Nico.

Nico shook his head. ‘If I can’t pick them, I suspect I can’t hold them, either.’ He opened one of the pockets of his leather bomber. ‘Can you do the honours?’

Will stuffed one pomegranate into Nico’s jacket pocket, then slipped the other two into pockets on his own shorts.

‘Oh my gods,’ said Nico. ‘I can’t believe your cargo shorts are coming in handy.’

Will beamed. ‘Told you so.’

Nico didn’t waste any more time. He grabbed Will’s right hand and pulled him along, retracing their route. Every time they came to an intersection on the path, Nico froze, carefully inspecting their way forward.

Will’s heart was pounding. He was both afraid and a little exhilarated. He felt like a little kid again, running through the aisles of the New York Public Library on Forty-Second Street and Fifth Avenue while his mom tried to catch up.

If only she could see him now, dashing through Persephone’s garden.

Near the gate, Nico let go of Will’s hand. ‘I’ll make sure the coast is clear,’ he whispered. Then he slipped past the bottlebrush plants and out of the gateway.

Will waited, anxiety coursing through his veins. He heard something rustle in foliage up ahead and thought,Please let that be Nico.

The figure stepped out from behind a thick bush of pink oleanders.

It wasn’t Nico.

It washer.

Will didn’t move. Hecouldn’thave moved even if he wanted to. He was transfixed by Persephone’s beauty.

She raised a finger to her lips. Her eyes were the rich brown of freshly tilled soil, ready to burst into a million colours. Will couldn’t turn away. He was mesmerized. He was also afraid.

His heart pounding fiercely, he glanced over at Nico, hoping he’d tell him what to do.

But Nico wasfrozen, crouched in a sneaking position, still as stone.

‘Look at me, son of Apollo.’

Her voice … Oh, gods, it was sweeter than the scent of the pomegranates. Will gulped and faced Persephone.

She brushed a strand of her dark brown hair out of her face. As she drifted forward, Will’s mind and heart clashed. He felt he should run away as fast as he could, but he was also drawn to her. She was vibrant. Shining.Alive.

She was so unlike everything else here.

‘How are you doing this?’ Will said, his voice full of awe.

‘I can do many things.’ Persephone was now just a metre from him. ‘Especially here, in my garden.’

She stepped closer until her nose nearly touched his. ‘In which you’re currently trespassing.’

Will sucked in his breath. ‘I can explain. It’s – It’s important, what we’re doing.’

‘And what is that, exactly?’