Will found it terribly hard to pull his gaze from hers. Should he tell her the truth? Lying to gods was usually a futile exercise, and in this case? Well, he and Nico had been caught red-handed in Persephone’s garden.
‘I can see the gears turning in your demigod mind, Will Solace.’ Persephone pointed to the bulging pocket on his cargo shorts. ‘I obviously know you’re stealing from my garden. The question iswhy.’
‘It’s a quest,’ he said. ‘We need fruit from your garden to progress to the next part.’
Persephone frowned. ‘And I assume my husband has not assigned said quest.’
‘Uhhh, no?’ Will gestured at his companion. ‘Nico could probably explain it better if you’d just free him.’
‘But I’m talking toyou, son of Apollo,’ she said, annoyance crossing her face. ‘Besides,youare dating my stepson. Am I not allowed to speak with you?’
Will gulped. ‘No! I mean yes. Of course you’re allowed to!’
‘So now Will Solace is telling me what I’m allowed to do in my own garden.’
Will thought he was going to pass out. ‘I’m – I’m not –’
‘Relax, demigod.’ Persephone smiled, and suddenly the whole garden seemed warmer. ‘Some of us still have a sense of humour, and I like to use mine from time to time.’
Will couldn’t relax, though. Persephone began to pace around him, and if he wasn’t currently in the Underworld, he would have wondered when the bright overhead lights were going to flick on. This felt like an interrogation!
‘You know,’ she continued, ‘I haven’t always treated Nico as he deserves to be treated. It was hard for me to look upon him. His very face reminded me that Hades had betrayed me and had a child with someone else.’ Persephone maintained her smile, but it did not reach her eyes. ‘We gods can be very jealous, you know.’
Will nodded, afraid to speak.
‘But over the years – and especially recently – I have had to re-examine my perception of Nico. He is … well, he is not always what he seems. There is more to that boy than what I saw on the surface.’
Despite his galloping nerves, Will found his voice. ‘I know that,’ he said. ‘It’s been the best part of knowing him – how often he surprises you.’
‘But do you see the depths within him?’ She gazed intently into Will’s eyes. ‘Do you realize who he really is?’
‘Yes?’ he said, though he hadn’t intended for it to sound like a question. ‘I mean … He’s a very complicated person.’
Persephone raised an eyebrow. Even that small gesture sent a jolt of terror through Will.
‘But …?’ she said. ‘I sense you want to say more.’
How did she know that? Did she know he was thinking about how being with Nico wasn’t always easy?
The words tumbled from his mouth.
‘How do you do it, Persephone?’
‘Do what?’
‘Love someone from the Underworld.’
This time, she actually looked surprised. ‘That is quite the question, son of Apollo.’
‘I’m sorry,’ he said, raising his hands. ‘If you’ll just let Nico go, we’ll return the fruit and leave and –’
‘You know love is a difficult choice, right?’
His hands fell. ‘What?’
‘Oh, certainly, there are people in this world for whom love comes easily or abundantly. It is instantaneous, like it was for Narcissus.’
‘Sure,’ said Will. ‘But I –’