Page 98 of Dangerous Play

“Please, all marathon runners, get in line; the race is starting in 10 minutes,” the announcement boomed, snapping my eyesopen as I quickly stretched out my calves and headed for the queue.

For some reason, I didn’t remember the half-marathon being as busy back in July last year, but maybe I was in a different headspace back then.

I found a spot where there was enough space for me to start, but it wasn’t too far back, so I didn’t have to overtake that many people in case I ran quicker.

Fixing my braid and making sure it was tucked in tight, I picked up my phone and started the broadcast. The commentator was always the same funny guy, and I loved his bickering with his colleague. Plus, they were always saying positive things about Max, which I loved.

“What a nice sunny morning here at FedEx Field,” the guy started.

“Indeed, love seeing our National Team warming up in their blue home colors and assessing the field.”

“The team must be shaken quite a bit by their last-minute change in lineup, where NCAA superstar Maximilian Aarons is missing.”

“The game they play has Aarons as a centerpiece together with another midfielder, so it will be interesting to see who will fill his shoes.”

“Especially since Aarons is replacing Sky McCarthy this season, taking over his iconic number 16, which is far from Aarons’ number 8 in NCAA, but having the 16 in the National Team was a big deal.”

“Let’s hope he gets to keep the number 16 for the World Cup if he makes the final roster.”

My heart hammered harder in my chest, and my smartwatch was going crazy with calculating it. My eyes darted around like I expected Max to just appear out of thin air. There must havebeen a reasonable explanation as to why he wasn’t playing for the National Team.

Yet, my poor little fragile heart jumped to the most stupid conclusion ever.

That he probably came to cheer me on.

I shook my head as the five-minute notice sounded and jogged in place, getting my thoughts and heart rate under control. I needed to calm down and not think about Max right now. I had to focus on the run and my breathing.

My back slammed into something behind me, and I quickly jumped to the side, pulling my earplugs out.

“I’m so sorry!” I apologized when I saw I bumped into a guy, but my words disappeared as I stared into familiar chocolate-colored eyes, a lopsided boyish grin, and the messy hair I loved touching.

“No worries at all.” He grinned at me, fixing his black workout t-shirt as he stepped next to me. “I’m Max, by the way. Max Aarons.”

What was he doing? Why was he here? Why was he introducing himself?

Max extended his hand toward me, waiting for me to take it and shake it.

“I didn’t catch your name?” He tilted his head to the side, his grin growing wider as he took in the shock on my face.

“Ivy,” I replied, wrapping my fingers around his hand.

Tears spilled from my eyes as realization washed over me, and I barely whispered my name.

“Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl,” he said, pulling me closer to him. “But I think Blossom is more fitting for you.”

I was full-on sobbing into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

“What are you doing here? What about the National Team? The World Cup? Max...” I asked all my questions at once.

Max kissed the top of my head and shrugged like it was no big deal at all.

“You said you wanted a do-over. There’s only one marathon in California every year that you would sign up for. If I missed the chance to reintroduce myself in the scenario we wanted our relationship to start with, I would have to wait another year when I wasn’t even sure you would still want to run a marathon. I couldn’t risk missing this window of opportunity and giving us the chance to start over fresh.”

“What about the World Cup and the National Team? Are they...?”

“They’re going to be fine. There’s a World Cup every four years; I have plenty of chances to play there if they decide not to take me. But I don’t have a chance to start over with you again. It was now or never, and between playing at the World Cup or being with you... I pick you. A hundred times.”

Emotions ran high in me—from the pre-run adrenaline to seeing Max, through all the things he just sprung on me. I was sobbing, crying, and laughing all at the same time as he hugged me to himself, his calming pine scent surrounding me.