Page 55 of Forbidden Bond

“It’s not a fun story.”

This time she actually got a laugh. “Wow, that’s a surprise, our lives being so full of joy and all.”

“He thought I’d leave him. That I had—the McDade shield failed me, that’s what he said.”

“So he doesn’t know you’ve been living with guilt about dragging him past that shield?”

And wasn’t that basically what she’d said?

“We’re at the McDade Mansion.”

“Yeah, the car had windows.”

Ha-ha, that got a nudge of objection.

“I didn’t even know it was still a thing, that Conn still had it.”

“You like it?”

“I don’t care about the house. I just wanted you to know we’re still in the city. The doctor is looking after you, I don’t know where he is now, but if you need—”

“Score McDade’s on his way north.”

“Here? How do you know that?”

“Wasn’t just sitting around waiting to be snatched up.”

If he’d been on the street, connecting with contacts, he’d know more than her.

“What have you heard?”

“Doran McDade, Play, Ire’s cousin, he’s taken up residence in Stag. People are worried, allies nervous.”

“Is he an asshole?”

“Less than your guy.”

“So why are they nervous?”

“Raze was around, now Play, we’ve got the big kahunas lining up. And the Doherty’s inserting herself, getting way too comfortable. Manzanis don’t like it. You know how it is, they front it out, but with news Score’s on his way too…”

“A family reunion.” At least the mansion would see some life again. “Score has a kid.”


“How old is—”

“Not old enough,” Strat said.

“And his wife is…”

“Not from this world or any one close to it. Sure not who anyone thought a guy like Score would end up with. Doesn’t matter. You know the play?”

“What play?”

“Ire’s got a plan, right? That’s why he’s off the scene, to keep everyone guessing. Is he alive? Is he injured? Is he poised to take over the world? Maybe he’s in danger, or he’s lying in wait to strike. A lot of questions out there. Silvio’s used to knowing the city, they call him ‘The Director’ for a reason. Was a time Silvio Manzani could nod and someone would be taken off the board. Anyone. There was no one out of his reach.”

“His world’s in motion, it’s falling apart.”